Chapter 115

The Straw Hat Pirates reach the second island on the Grand Line, Little Garden—the home of pre-historic animals.

Little Garden of Adventure

Vivi begins to appreciate life on board the Going Merry and the carefree lifestyle of her new friends. She has reservations as she constantly warns them to not underestimate the dangers that await them on the Grand Line.

After a calm journey, they finally arrive at Little Garden, about which Miss All Sunday had warned them. It appears to be a weird tropical forest and is inhabited by even stranger animals. Nami is not eager to leave the boat as their Log Pose resets but the rest of the crew has an opposing opinion. Luffy craves adventure and decides to set out to explore. Much to Nami's surprise, Vivi decides to accompany Luffy in order to be distracted from her worries. She drags along a not-so-willing Karoo.

After they depart, Sanji asks Zoro to go on a hunt in order to retrieve more food as they are running low. Zoro, who is not so pleased to work on Sanji's orders, replies with a nasty comment that he would get something bigger than Sanji anyways. Sanji refuses to lose face in front of Nami and challenges Zoro to a hunt contest—to see who can bring back the largest weight in food for the crew.

Luffy and Vivi discover weird animals and they realize Little Garden is, in fact, a prehistoric island which has stayed evolutionary-wise at the dinosaur era.

Meanwhile back at the boat, Nami and Usopp are alone and not confident aboard the Going Merry. Nami finds a book which explains the island's name. Suddenly a giant shadow approaches them.

Mission 96

Ewen and Emile, the members of the newly founded "Damian Dance-Partner Selection Committee," tell the many girls vying to be the young Desmond's dance partner that they must compete against each other in a series of challenges until the last one is standing. The girls think that this will be a fierce battle with their feminine pride at stake, and their thoughts overwhelm Anya and make her dizzy, but she is motivated by Becky to keep going.

The first challenge of the competition, in which the boys intend to remove the weakest challengers, is a "Clapping Scarecrow Endurance Battle." The boys explain that they must see a sufficient level of balance and rhythm. As such, the girls must stand on one foot and clap along the rhythm, and they will fail if they cannot do so. Before the challenge starts, the disguised Loid approaches Anya to "remove lint" from her dress, after which Anya notices a wire attached to her wrist. The challenge begins, and Henry watches the children with Thomas Austin and remarks that while he is clueless about the situation, he finds the children's actions elegant.

As more girls drop out of the challenge, Anya stands out as the only one standing completely still. Anya, who has thin wires attached to her legs, back, and wrists, is held up by Loid, who is controlling the wires like a puppeteer, through rings on his left hand and supported by his arm. As Anya gets praised for this, she shows off and begins moving around, leaning forward and back while clapping to the rhythm, garnering more praise. On the other hand, her movement puts immense strain on Loid's hand, much to his dismay. With ten contestants remaining, the challenge ends, and Anya rushes over to Becky while breaking off the wires from her. Meanwhile, Loid has lost all function in his left hand but sees it as a small price to pay for world peace.

Ewen and Emile are worried about Anya's success and discuss it with Damian, who says the competition will be fair and square. His shocked friends ask if Damian actually wants to dance with her, which he denies in embarrassment. Ewen and Emile begin the second challenge and quickly come up with an obstacle course, reasoning that it is to test the girls' agility and flexibility, and the five fastest finishers will advance to the next round. As wires will not work in this challenge, Loid worries that he may have to sabotage the other girls. However, as the challenge begins, to everyone's surprise, Anya removes her dress shoes and begins sprinting. Despite stumbling over a hurdle and tearing off the tippets of her dress in a trap zone, Anya charges forward. In the final phase of the obstacle course, an inchworm crawl in which the girls must get in a sleeping bag and crawl to the goal, Anya unexpectedly crawls with great speed and finishes in third place. Anya's lack of grace in the challenge is contested, but Becky states that Anya earned her victory. Afterward, Anya gets her dress mended by Ms. Muchberry.

For the third and final challenge, Ewen and Emile hold a quiz about Damian, and the first girl to correctly answer five questions about Damian will become the ultimate winner. Loid believes this will be an easy task but is quickly distressed when Ewen asks for what Damian reached for first at today's breakfast. As other girls make wrong guesses, Anya tries to read Damian's mind, but even he does not know the answer. Ewen and Emile's thoughts reveal that the answer is milk, which Anya uses to win a point. Another question asks what made Damian scared of dying when he was four. Reading the boys' minds, Anya learns that it was when Damian's dog suddenly jumped on him and knocked him into the pond in his yard. Anya uses this to win a point, which she claims was a lucky guess.

To hide her mind-reading, Anya intentionally misses some questions to make the match seem closer, and she is one point away from victory. Ewen asks who Damian loves best. Other girls answer with themselves or other girls, but Anya answers that Damian loves his father. With that, Ewen and Emile begrudgingly announce Anya as the winner to be Damian's dance partner. Damian accepts the terms and agrees to dance with Anya. Watching the children's reactions, Loid apologizes to Damian in his thoughts, as the match was not fair, but urges him to get closer to Anya.

The dance finally begins, and Henry and Martha watch the students dancing together. Martha says this brings back memories, prompting Henry to invite her to dance with him "for old time's sake." Meanwhile, Damian and Anya struggle to dance together hand-in-hand, with a blushing and sweating Damian holding only one of her fingers while Anya goes pale as she shivers at his thoughts. After Anya accidentally steps on Damian's foot, they begin to argue and cause a scene, worrying Loid as he watches them and wonders what to do. Henry reminds the two that the dance floor is a place for elegance and comments that their paths to Imperial Scholars seem to be long ones. Damian reminds himself to pull himself together and not to be bothered by holding hands with Anya, and the two begin dancing properly, though still awkward. Seeing this, Loid quietly walks away to leave the two alone.

Damian comments on Anya's dancing, which she says Loid made her practice a lot. Damian talks about meeting Loid before, and they both say he is a passionate person. Damian tells Anya that he was taught to dance by an instructor hired by his family and, with a soft smile, says her family sounds nice. Damian quickly goes back to insulting Anya's commoner status, then questions how she knew about his dog and pond, asking if she could read his mind. At that moment, Anya whispers to Damian that she can read minds. Damian does not believe her and calls her a dummy, and the two begin to fight. Becky is confused, as they appeared to be fine earlier, but she sees that there is still some progress. Becky, Emile, Ewen, and Henry watch Anya and Damian bicker, and their friendship has increased by 100 points.

Jellyfish Hunter

SpongeBob is out jellyfishing in Jellyfish Fields. He catches a jellyfish, gently tickles out some of its jelly, and lets it go, naming it "Twelvy" on its way. He then spies a very rare blue jellyfish, the only jellyfish in the field he has never been able to catch and name, thus calling him "No Name". SpongeBob's attempt to catch this specimen ends in failure once again, despite having used himself like a rocket to get closer to it.

Later, SpongeBob goes on his five-minute lunch break at the Krusty Krab and puts the fresh jellyfish jelly on a Krabby Patty. A customer notices it and asks him what it is. After SpongeBob explains that it is "a Krabby Patty with jellyfish jelly," the customer is eager to try it himself, so SpongeBob provides him with a dollop. Amazed with its taste, the customer sings a song proclaiming its greatness and plops jelly on the patties of all the other customers, who enjoy it as well. Mr. Krabs comes out from his office to see what the fuss is about, he thought someone was playing through Squidward's records again, and SpongeBob explains how he was sharing his jelly with the customers. Mr. Krabs at first considers tampering with the Krabby Patty recipe to be mutiny, but when the customer tells him that he will come back for lunch there every day for the rest of his life, Mr. Krabs officially puts the new Jelly Patty on the menu.

SpongeBob is tasked to go out and gather as many jellyfish as he can. He is delighted to be paid for jellyfishing, but Mr. Krabs tells him that it is part of his free time. SpongeBob stills agrees, though he asks Mr. Krabs to keep the jellyfish comfortable while milking them for jelly. Mr. Krabs secretly states to himself that he will keep them comfortable "in his wallet," hinting that he does not care for their safety. SpongeBob catches several jellyfish, with Mr. Krabs demanding more every time until Jellyfish Fields is completely deserted. SpongeBob concludes that there are no more jellyfish to catch, and begins to walk home.

As SpongeBob walks home, he feels that he is being followed. He turns around, mentioning that he feels like someone is trying to sell him something. The thing following him is revealed to be No Name, but he hides every time SpongeBob looks back. SpongeBob states that he is not interested in anything his hypothetical salesman is selling and rushes home. Upon arriving home, he closes the blinds of his windows in panic but soon laughs off the incident. SpongeBob then gets a strange call from No Name that only features him breathing before the call abruptly ends, with the line seemingly having been cut. Nervous, SpongeBob laughs it off as a wrong number call, but the lights go off shortly after and he laughs that off as well by stating that Gary must have forgotten to pay the electric bill. SpongeBob later sees a shadow that he believes is Gary crawling into the house and later into the kitchen, which SpongeBob thinks is a good idea as Gary would probably find food there. Shortly after, he enters the dark kitchen and sees a Jelly Patty where the moonlight is shining in from the window. He eats it at first but shortly realizes that something is extremely wrong when he finds that the patty contains blue jelly.

No Name shows up and SpongeBob ends up captured in a jar himself by the blue jellyfish. It then takes SpongeBob to a secret factory farm, where he discovers that Mr. Krabs is forcefully wringing every jellyfish dry to increase his bottom line, draining, harming, and possibly killing them. Realizing Mr. Krabs' unscrupulous plan, SpongeBob angrily confronts him. Mr. Krabs claims that they are having a tea party which initially distracts SpongeBob, but No Name informs him of the trick and SpongeBob declares his intention to free the jellyfish. Mr. Krabs is shocked when SpongeBob suddenly picks up a pipe wrench, but he uses it to fix the squeaky bolts on the door, much to his relief. SpongeBob tries to set the jellyfish free but is unable to open the door to their cage.

Mr. Krabs laughs and boasts of his sturdy voice-activated door that only opens when he says "Open," which consequently opens the door. The freed jellyfish swarm over Mr. Krabs, who tries in vain to ride off on the bike used to power the machine before realizing it is only an exercise bike. The jellyfish then give him a mighty zap before flying off. Thoroughly charred, Mr. Krabs meekly decides to take the jelly off the menu.

SpongeBob vows to never again let his net be used for anything except pure sports, stating that jellyfish are not meant to be kept in captivity forever. No Name gently enters his net, allowing itself to be caught. Touched, SpongeBob decides to name the jellyfish "Friend," and they share a handshake that ends up stinging SpongeBob, who laughs it off nervously as his hand proceeds to swell.

Diary of Koby-Meppo

Vol.27 : "Special Training During Valuable Sleeping Time!!"


Oda Eiichiro

December 29th!! Something amazing is going to happen!! For now just be sure to write One Piece on that date in your calendar!!




Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 24