Chapter 128

The Straw Hats depart from Little Garden, and hurry to Arabasta. As Smoker intercepts their phone call and leaves for Arabasta as well.


On a marine ship somewhere in the Grand Line Smoker asks an unknown marine to play back the intercepted message that they just recorded. He also demands that Tashigi hears it as well. Smoker has to shout at her to get her to listen. The message is played back and though it is poor reception a few important words can be heard, such as: princess Vivi, Straw Hat, Mr. 0, and orders. Tashigi then wonders if the message has something to do with Mr. 11, whom Smoker tricks into revealing that he is a part of it.

Smoker then recalls that Vivi is the princess of Arabasta and decides to head there. Meanwhile back at Little Garden, everyone is happy that they managed to defeat the Baroque Works members, Sanji then shows up and reveals that he just had a conversation with Mr. 0 and obtained an eternal log pose. Sanji and Zoro then try and determine who won their hunting contest which reminds the giants why they started fighting.

The Straw Hats then leave for Arabasta and the giants tell them no matter what, just go straight.

Doing Time

The episode opens as SpongeBob is taking his driver's license exam yet again. He ends up leaving the driving course and wrecking the boating school and the city, before driving off an unfinished bridge the mayor just opened and falling into an abyss. The police follow the boat and end up driving off the bridge and into the abyss themselves. SpongeBob, Mrs. Puff, and the police all land on top of a truck full of fruit punch being delivered to Shady Shoals Rest Home, causing it to fall over and spill all the punch. The rest home gets flooded with it as a result. Although SpongeBob is responsible, the incident occurred under Mrs. Puff's supervision, and she is sent to prison for gross negligence. In prison, she realizes that she will not see SpongeBob again for a very long time, and starts to enjoy it.

Meanwhile, SpongeBob is depressed that Mrs. Puff is in jail and Patrick tells him that it is SpongeBob's fault. The duo sets out to free her from jail. First, they try to rob the "1st Nautical Bank" in order to get arrested themselves, but SpongeBob gets wrapped up in the bureaucratic niceties of banking and forgets they are trying to commit a crime. Next, they disguise themselves as rocks that the prisoners smash as labor. They try to communicate with Mrs. Puff, who calls the guards, but they dismiss her conversation with two rocks as a hallucination and move her to kitchen duty. SpongeBob and Patrick are then smashed by another inmate, costing them their deposit on the costumes. Then they hide in a vat of chili in the cafeteria and offer to help Mrs. Puff escape through it, but she explains to them that she likes it in prison, which SpongeBob refuses to believe. He worries that Mrs. Puff is completely institutionalized in prison and he needs to get her out. In an attempt to coax her, SpongeBob tells Mrs. Puff if she can escape, he will stay after school and decorate the entire classroom, but Mrs. Puff refuses. She calls for the prison guards again and is reassigned again after the prison guards believe that Mrs. Puff is going crazy.

SpongeBob and Patrick appear to her yet again on a coat hanger assembly line, and when she calls for a guard, he somehow perceives SpongeBob and Patrick as raw materials used to make the coat hangers and dismisses her to her cell once again. SpongeBob and Patrick then appear in Mrs. Puff's cell toilet, asking her to hop in, and when Mrs. Puff calls for a guard again, he simply flushes them down the toilet and leaves. They then appear in her bed, and Mrs. Puff calls for the guards yet again, but this time the two guards that appear are SpongeBob and Patrick in disguise. After they leave, the real guards show up after hearing her screaming and crying, but Mrs. Puff thinks its still SpongeBob and Patrick in disguise and rips off their faces. This is the last straw for the guards, who strap Mrs. Puff into a straight jacket and throw her into solitary confinement, convinced she's completely lost her sanity. Despite this, she is glad to finally be alone and away from SpongeBob, but suddenly his face appears all over the walls and floor of the padded cell and begins laughing at her.

Mrs. Puff screams in horror at the incessant laughing...but suddenly the scene transitions back to SpongeBob driving off the cliff and crashing into the fruit punch truck, once again flooding the rest home. Mrs. Puff stumbles out of the wreckage and is confronted by the police again, but to her surprise they arrest SpongeBob instead of her. From this, she concludes that her prison sentence was merely a hallucination and is happy that she's not going to jail, however after a police officer informs her that she already did her time, Mrs. Puff suddenly sees herself wearing a prison striped uniform of black and white with a chain ball on her ankle.

She once again screams in horror as the scene transitions back to her sitting in the boat going off the cliff again, seemingly having suffered another hallucination, but this time she sees Donna, a prisoner with a masculine voice from her first hallucination, driving the boat instead of SpongeBob. Screaming yet again, the scene transitions back to Mrs. Puff sitting in the boat driving off the cliff, this time with SpongeBob behind the wheel and no police cars behind them. Exasperated and realizing the scene is just going to keep looping, Mrs. Puff says "Oh, forget it," immediately closing the episode.

Oda Eiichiro

Thank you very much for all the Valentine chocolates!! When I eat these I'll be choc(olate)-full of power♥♥ Okay that was bad.




Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 24