Chapter 121

While Luffy is unable to free himself from being pinned under the rock, Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine capture Vivi and take her back to Mr. 3. Nami and Zoro have been captured as well thanks to Mr. 3's wax traps. Vivi reveals to Brogy that he was able to win against Dorry thanks to a bomb that was in the rum. Brogy becomes angry due to the deceptive manner in which he won. He attempts to evade the candle prison but is hit by Mr. 5's bombs. Meanwhile, Zoro, Vivi, and Nami are placed on a candelabra which will transform them into wax statues.

I Knew

Vivi is captured by Miss. Valentine and Mr. 5. Mr. 5 is surprised Luffy was strong enough to still be awake after the last bomb had gone off in his face. He then tells Luffy that he has captured his friends, Nami and Zoro. Luffy smiles and responds that if has captured Zoro he will soon be the one in trouble, and not Zoro. Luffy then continues to insult Mr. 5 until Mr. 5's patience is tried and bombs him once more with his Devil Fruit powers. Luffy is finally knocked unconscious and the baroque works agents leave with Vivi.

Meanwhile, Brogy is completely immobilized by Mr. 3's wax. Mr. 3 tells Brogy how he helped him during his fight with Dorry. Brogy becomes angry due to his honorable victor being stolen due to a treacherous interceding. Vivi is delivered to Mr. 3. She insults him for his lack of morals. Mr. 3 smiles and makes a giant candelabra and gloats about completing his art collection. He informs them they will soon be turned into wax figures and be added to his collection. Brogy then states that at the beginning of the fight he knew something was wrong, but he realizes now that it was Mr. 3 that hurt his pride for defeating a weakened opponent. Brogy attempts to stand up once more only to be hit by one of Mr. 5's bombs.

Meanwhile at Dorry's camp, Luffy has regained consciousness and strengthens his resolve to defeat the baroque works agents. Karoo and Usopp promise to fight gallantly to save their friends as well.

Short Mission 13

As Loid, Anya, and Yor leave home for their daily lives, Loid asks Bond to watch the place. After watching his family leave through the window, Bond briefly paces around the house before flopping to the floor in boredom. Bond is then startled by the delivery man ringing the doorbell. Remembering Loid's advice to be vigilant in the case that the enemy could be posing as a delivery man, Bond growls at the door but quickly relaxes after the delivery man leaves. Seeing that his work is done, Bond remembers Yor saying that dinner tastes best after a hard day of work and snoops around the kitchen for food. He accidentally breaks a glass and runs to Anya's room in fear after imagining Yor threatening to kill him for this mistake.

Hiding in Anya's bed, the terrified Bond sees Anya's Penguin plush in her closet and believes it holds a grudge against him for murdering it. Unbeknownst to him, the neighbors outside are gossiping about a relationship, and the paranoid Bond mishears some of their words as the plush's. Agent Penguinman suggests settling their war, but Bond brings up how they sealed a peace treaty with Anya. However, Penguinman is firm about not forgiving him.

As a gesture of reconciliation, Bond fetches two pieces of fish from the fridge as an offering to the plush. Now face-to-face with Penguinman, Bond begins to recall his memories in Project Apple, witnessing fellow dogs being mistreated and experimented on. Bond then licks the stitches on Penguinman, another wounded soul. When the Forgers return home, Yor is confused by the missing fish and asks Anya, who is just as clueless. When Anya tries to open her room, Bond is seen resting next to Penguinman. With the fish he left still on the floor, Anya's room ends up smelling like fish for days.

Club SpongeBob

The episode begins with Squidward leaving his house and riding his bicycle to work. He then rides past a tall tree, at the top of which is a treehouse where SpongeBob and Patrick are sitting and giggling profusely. They see Squidward below and talk to each other about him, beginning certain words with "w." Squidward approaches the base of the tree and asks in perturbation if this manner of speaking is some kind of secret code, and SpongeBob tells Squidward that he cannot tell him because he is not a member of their club. Squidward mocks them, saying that he is more than qualified to join their club. SpongeBob tells Squidward he could not fit in even if he tried. Squidward tells them that he is "a member of over 20 different exclusive clubs all across the sea bottom," but SpongeBob and Patrick continue to insist that he would not fit in (even mistaking his rant for "something about his nose"). Enraged, Squidward tells them they know nothing of "fitting in" before he proceeds to climb the tree. SpongeBob and Patrick frantically tell Squidward to stop, which he ignores.

Squidward crawls into their treehouse, only to see how cramped it is, leading to the realization that SpongeBob and Patrick were actually referring to their treehouse rather than their club when they said that he could not "fit in," and that they have been stuck up there for three days. SpongeBob and Patrick begin Squidward's initiation into their "club" by singing "Welcome to our Club", but Squidward, having changed his mind about joining, stops them by blocking their mouths, and attempts to get out by pulling on a smaller tree. He manages to make the tree double over and is about to crawl out when the second tree snaps, launching the tree house and its three occupants into the sky. They fly over the Kelp Forest, where a couple sees them, the man believing the treehouse to be a shooting star and telling his lover to "make a wish".

The trio crash in a small clearing in a distant section of the kelp forest. SpongeBob and Patrick begin to jump and joyfully shout about their stunt, while Squidward panics at his situation of being lost and stuck with SpongeBob and Patrick. SpongeBob and Patrick try to comfort Squidward by telling him it could be worse, and that they will survive as a club and as long as they have the "Magic Conch Shell," a Magic 8 ball-like device which SpongeBob and Patrick treat as prophetic and all-knowing. They believe the Magic Conch should never be questioned and should always be consulted before any action is taken. SpongeBob asks it what they must do to escape the kelp forest, to which the conch says, "Nothing." SpongeBob and Patrick sit still on the ground doing nothing, and Squidward is enraged at their stupidity. He announces that he intends to escape the forest and get back to sanity by himself instead of taking advice from such a thing and walks off. As Squidward tries to find an exit, he becomes lost and afraid but eventually comes back to where SpongeBob and Patrick are.

Even more time passes, and by now, Squidward has dismantled the box to build a shelter. He has a hat made out of some dried plant, has grown a five-o'clock shadow, and is sitting by a small campfire. A small bug scurries past, and Squidward catches it and proceeds to cook it. He taunts SpongeBob and Patrick with his "food," saying that they could have sided with him and survived, but instead listened to a talking shell. He proceeds to say while chuckling, "As if the answers to all your problems will fall right out of the sky!"

Above the forest, a damaged plane is serendipitously falling right out of the sky, and the pilots drop their load of picnic supplies and food to avoid crashing. The equipment lands around SpongeBob and Patrick, who emerge from their state of doing nothing to praise the magic conch. Squidward is extremely shocked, and he walks over to the two, who are devouring a table full of food. Squidward says he was only kidding earlier and asks if he is still a member of the club, and SpongeBob tells him that he is still a member. Squidward cannot decide what to choose, and begrudgingly follows SpongeBob's suggestion of asking the conch shell. Squidward asks the conch permission to eat certain specific food items, which it denies. He repeatedly asks it permission to eat anything, which it denies every time. Squidward becomes enraged when the conch denies permission in a mocking tone and is about to go insane when a Park Ranger enters the clearing.

Squidward tells him he has been stranded with SpongeBob, Patrick, and the magic conch shell for weeks, and his mention of the "magic conch shell" prompts the ranger to pull out an identical conch, revealing himself to also be cultishly obedient to the conch, much to Squidward's exasperated dismay. SpongeBob and Patrick are delighted to meet a "club member," and the ranger tells them that his conch advised him to look for them. The three club members praise the magic conch before asking it how to get out of the kelp forest. It again tells them, "Nothing." Following the conch's advice, they do nothing and assume sitting positions on the ground (until someone else comes and rescues them). Before the episode ends, Squidward, at the end of his sanity, praises the magic conch and sits down as well.

Oda Eiichiro

I'm writing this on January 19th. Alrighty then, it's about time to start sending New Year's cards. It's what they call 'finishing what you start'.




Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 24