Chapter 114

The Straw Hats decide to leave Whisky Peak in a hurry. Miss All Sunday meets them on their ship and offers them help by giving them an Eternal Pose which leads to a route unknown to the Baroque Works. However, Luffy destroys it and says that she has no right to decide their path. The crew follows the path their Log Pose indicates, which will lead them to Little Garden.

The Course

Having just witnessed Igaram's ship get destroyed, Luffy immediately wakes up Sanji and Usopp. Grabbing them by Usopp's nose and Sanji's leg, he drags them out of the Whisky Peak Bar and gives them a rude awakening. Zoro, meanwhile, prepares the Going Merry to set sail. As everyone gathers at the Going Merry, Vivi expresses that she still wants to go around town to look for Karoo. To her surprise, she finds out that Karoo climbed on board the ship before even Zoro got in. With that matter settled, everyone prepares to set sail. At the same time, a mysterious figure emerges from the flames of the explosion that destroyed Igaram's ship.

Due to their rude awakening, Sanji and Usopp do not know anything and protest to stay in town a little longer. Fortunately, Nami explains everything to them with a conk in their heads. As the Going Merry sails from Whisky Peak, the crew find out that someone else is on board. The person is the mysterious figure that came out of explosion and is Miss All Sunday. It is explained then that not only was she the one who blew Igaram's ship, but she also is Crocodile's partner and Vice President of Baroque Works.

Vivi continues to explain that she and her compatriots were able to learn the true identity of Baroque Work's boss and plans by following Miss All Sunday. Miss All Sunday, however, explains that she had let Vivi follow her. Hearing this, Vivi suddenly suspects that Miss All Sunday was the one who told Crocodile of her true identity. Miss All Sunday goes on explaining that she helped Vivi because she felt that the princess worked very hard, but she finds the princess' resolve to go against Baroque Work's stupid.

Upon the conversation becoming heated, the Straw Hats prepared themselves to fight with Sanji and Usopp both preparing to shoot Miss All Sunday with a gun and Usopp's slingshot, respectively. The two prepared to shoot despite not fully understanding what was happening. However despite being surrounded, Miss All Sunday simply flips both Sanji and Usopp with her Devil Fruit powers, leaving the rest in shock. While everyone is wondering what power she has, Miss All Sunday grabs Luffy's straw hat and explains to the Straw Hats their next destination on the Log Pose route they are following. That place, Little Garden, is so dangerous that not even Baroque Works need to deal with them there. To help them avoid such an obstacle, Miss All Sunday gives them an Eternal Pose that will lead them somewhere else. She however gives them the choice to accept this or not as she states it might be a trap.

Luffy declines this offer and crushes the Eternal Pose in his bare hand despite Nami's protest. He states that he did this because Miss All Sunday does not have the right to tell them where to go, and because he hated her for bombing Igaram's ship. With that Miss All Sunday left the Straw Hats on her giant turtle, Banchi. Having escaped that danger, the Straw Hats continued sailing to Little Garden. As they sailed, Sanji and Usopp are properly filled in about the situation, while Luffy wonders if it's gonna snow again.

Mission 95

At Eden Academy, two older students agree to be each other's dance partners at the upcoming end-of-term gala next weekend. Watching the exchange from afar, Becky remembers the party she mentioned to Anya in the past and begins thinking about inviting Loid. Following close behind are Henry and Damian with his friends. Henry informs Becky that, aside from volunteers, guardians will not attend the gala, much to her disappointment.

Emile asks Damian if he will invite anyone to the dance, but Damian refuses to participate in the party. Henry tells the boy that he will have much to gain from the experience, as dances serve as major social events. Becky suggests to Anya that she invite Damian, which makes her think of how this could progress the Friendship Scheme, so she boldly asks Damian to dance with her. However, the flustered Damian rudely rejects her and runs away, leaving Anya with jitters as she decides that she does not want to dance with him either. As the gala is a formal event, Anya agrees to pick out dresses with Becky on their day off.

On the day of the gala, Becky arrives at Eden dressed up for the party, and Martha escorts her. Henry spots Martha and requests her assistance for the event as they have fewer volunteers than he had hoped, and the unsurprised Martha agrees to join him. At the party hall, all of Eden's first-year students are present, which Henry says will be a good opportunity for students to acquaint themselves with potential classmates before classes are reassigned. Standing alone, a suited-up Damian is the target of whispers among the girls from other classes due to his status as a Desmond. Anya arrives at the party, which causes even more whispers among the students as they recount her acts around Eden. George pokes at Damian with this fact, but he quickly shuts George down.

The party host announces the students' first activity of the day: friendly competitions between the classes, with the reward being the right to enjoy the Imperial Scholars' private lounge for one day. The first competition is a quiz, in which the first class wins by having all the students correctly answer a question. Damian starts alongside Bill Watkins and takes the lead by correctly naming all of Eden's "Seven Great Secrets," then orders his classmates not to mess up. The quiz goes along as students answer trivia about their school, though Anya puts her class behind after failing to state the full name of the headmaster. The next competition is a quality quiz, in which classes must decide which of two similar items is of better quality. The final game is a Stella quest, in which students of each class must work together to find a replica Stella Star hidden in a pool of replica Tonitrus Bolts. In the end, the overall results show that the students of Villiers Hall are the winners of the competition, which upsets Damian.

With the game over, a 30-minute interclass conversation to precede the dance is held, giving students time to invite someone to dance with them. As the students start picking partners, Loid walks through the party disguised as a waiter with the intention of advancing the Friendship Scheme after hearing how Damian rejected Anya's dance invitation. Anya is surprised by her father's appearance and suggests that Becky dance with the disguised Loid after seeing her longing thoughts of him, but Becky refuses. Several heirs of prominent families then approach Becky to dance. While she adores the attention, Becky turns them all down, stating her disinterest in children.

While the gala may be a simple dance party to some students, a certain portion of children from notable families view it as a battlefield of political maneuvering. Many girls begin surrounding Damian with invitations to dance with them, but he is disinterested. However, he begins to grow nervous as he sees boys approaching Anya with dance invitations, leading Becky to tease him. Arnold Crowley, the top scorer of Classical Language in their year, attempts to ask out Anya, but Damian interferes. Though Becky states that Anya asked Damian to dance first, Emile says that Damian would never accept it, so the other boys continue to invite Anya.

Anya looks to the disguised Loid for advice, and Loid thinks that none of the boys pursuing her would make for good intelligence sources. Loid decides to step aside and let Anya and Damian pick whoever they want to dance with, also believing that Anya would not be considered a relationship prospect to the Desmond family anyway, to Anya's shock. In response, Anya announces that she wants to dance with Damian, shocking everyone. As other girls try to appeal to Damian to make him choose them instead of Anya, Emile and Ewen step in between them. Saying that Damian will only consider a partner of the highest class, the flunkies call to order the "Damian Desmond Dance-Partner Selection Committee" to personally decide who is worthy of being Damian's partner, to Damian's bewilderment.

Anya decides to step up to the challenge, and Loid, watching from the side, remembers Anya stating her goal for world peace. Telling himself to remember the lesson of his battle with Winston Wheeler, Loid reminds himself that peace between East and West must be prioritized instead of anyone's feelings and declares that he and Anya will be the victors for the sake of Plan B. On the side, Henry faintly reminds the student body that the dance begins in ten minutes.

Artist Unknown

As the episode begins, Squidward is teaching an art class at the Adult Learning Center, and cannot wait to see his new students. He opens the doors and greets a whole crowd of people, who are actually looking for the cooking class. They depart, leaving behind only one pupil: SpongeBob.

Squidward begrudgingly starts to teach SpongeBob what he knows. He starts off by demonstrating a poorly-drawn circle on the blackboard and has SpongeBob copy it, but is shocked when SpongeBob produces a perfect circle. He demands SpongeBob show him how he did it, so SpongeBob effortlessly draws a realistic human head, erases the details, and leaves a perfect circle behind. Squidward snatches SpongeBob's paper and crumples it up, which SpongeBob then turns into an origami sculpture of himself and Squidward playing leap-frog. Squidward rips it apart, but SpongeBob simply forms the scraps into a picture of them continuing their game.

Squidward then attempts to show off his prowess with the chisel, creating a mere pile of rubble. However, with a single stroke of his mallet, SpongeBob produces Michelangelo's David from a raw block of marble. Squidward is amazed, but out of jealousy, he scoffs at SpongeBob's masterpiece and refuses to acknowledge his talent. SpongeBob, unquestioning of his teacher's judgment, is ashamed of himself and throws himself out of class, falling into a dumpster being hauled away to the city dump, saying that he deserves it. Squidward feels a bit bad for hurting SpongeBob's feelings, but decides to shut down his class, regardless.

Immediately after, an art collector named Monty P. Moneybags comes in, saying that he is looking for art to purchase for his new museum. Squidward shows off his own pieces to him, but Monty dislikes them all because they are all based on Squidward himself.

However, he falls in love with SpongeBob's masterpiece, which Squidward takes credit for. While carrying the heavy statue to Monty's car, Squidward accidentally knocks off its head. Monty assures Squidward that he should easily be able to make another one, and that he will come back the next day to get it. Squidward, desperate for SpongeBob to make him another masterpiece, goes to the dump and convinces a depressed SpongeBob that he deserves another chance.

Upon returning to art class, SpongeBob has unfortunately taken Squidward's prior lessons to heart, and so fails to create anything of decent quality. When he tries to chisel another marble statue, it simply collapses into a pile of rubble. Squidward goes insane with frustration and begins smashing pillars of marble. SpongeBob concludes that his artistic "triumph" was too much for Squidward to handle, and crashes through the wall, going back to the dump.

The episode ends when Monty P. Moneybags returns and, upon seeing what Squidward has produced, incredulously asks who is responsible. Squidward shifts the blame onto the janitor and angrily storms out. However, unknown to Squidward, he accidentally has made an even more beautiful and bigger rendition of David while he got angry, and just before the episode ends, Monty cries out to the janitor, "You, sir, are the greatest artist who ever lived!"

Diary of Koby-Meppo

Vol.26 : "Odd Jobs, Odd Jobs at the Marine Headquarters!"


Oda Eiichiro

I started PosPe. I took a look around the related sites too and... this world of ours,'s just overflowing with cute stuff.




Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 24