Chapter 118

Due to a belief that the Straw Hats were responsible for the special rum he drank, a fight between Dorry and Luffy broke out, with Luffy easily defeating Dorry due to his injuries. Luffy believes neither Brogy nor his crew would resort to dirty tactics and believes there may be a third party involved. Elsewhere, Miss Valentine and Mr. 5, the two disgraced baroque works agents, enter a wax house where they are greeted by Mr. 3. He informs them of their job to capture the two giants Dorry and Brogy as they both have bounties of 100,000,000 Beli back from when they were still pirates. It is also revealed that it was Mr. 3 who placed the bomb in the rum. Outside, the middle volcano erupts, signaling another duel between the two giants.

Someone's Out There

Dorry believes that the Straw Hats betrayed him and attacks Luffy. Vivi tries to convince him that they didn't know who put the explosive in the barrel. She tells him to stay put because his body is damaged enough. Dorry tries to slash him with his sword, but Luffy evades the attack. He jumps in front of Dorry's face and prepares a punch, but Dorry knocks him with his shield. Luffy uses his rubber body to grab a tree from the forest and launches himself and evades another one of Dorry's sword attacks. He then uses Gomu Gomu no Rocket to launch himself towards Dorry and nearly knocks him out. Dorry steps on him and realizes that Luffy is a Devil Fruit user and that he was careless and falls unconscious. Luffy gets out of the dirt. Vivi said that she thinks Dorry will be alright and that Luffy did the right thing because otherwise he wouldn't have calmed down. Luffy is pissed off, and said that it couldn't be the other giant or one of his crew mates that placed the explosive in the barrel. He said that he believes that someone besides his crew and the giants are on the island.

Somewhere else a dinosaur tries to bite something white and destroys his teeth. The dinosaur is confused staying in front of a wax house.Mr. 5 orders the dinosaur to move and Miss Valentine uses 10000 KG Press to knock it out. After that they enter the wax house. Inside it, Mr. 3 and Miss Goldenweek were waiting. Mr. 3 was drinking tea while Miss Goldenweek was sleeping. Mr. 5 compliments Mr. 3 for his ability to make an instant hideout in the middle of the jungle. He asks that they let him and his partner complete the mission since it is still theirs. Miss Valentine said that they won't make the same mistake twice. Mr. 3 mocks the Mr. 5 pair by saying that they failed because they are weak not because they made a mistake. Miss Valentine stated that they failed because they had no idea that the princess would have pirate escorts. Mr. 3 mocks them because saying that they are resorting to childish excuses. He said that they are professionals and that losing to their opponent is as shameful as revealing their organization existence to the general public. Mr. 3 continues, saying that the missions they undertake must be accomplished perfectly with no mistakes. As a second chance, he offers them 30% of the pay from the job because they managed to tail the targets to Little Garden. He states that if the Mr. 5 pair still don't want him to interfere he needs to take some actions so that the 2 will not interfere with him again. Mr. 3 offers them black tea, telling them there is a fortuitous opportunity for them on the island, an opportunity to make a huge sum of money. Mr. 3 shows them the bounty posters of Dorry and Brogy and thanks them for the chance to come on the island. He explains that those wanted posters are from 100 years ago, telling them that there was once a group of giant pirates who pillaged town after town and terrified the entire world. He continues saying that the group was called the Warrior Giant Pirates and the captains were the ones known as Dorry the Blue Ogre and Brogy the Red Ogre, but their names faded into legends. Mr. 3 said that the 2 were still alive and their bounties were not called off either. He revealed that their 2 bounties were worth 100,000,000 Beli each, in short 200,000,000 Beli. Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine are surprised at hearing the immense amount of money they could make. Mr. 3 tells them that if they are going to succeed in their mission and also bring 200,000,000 Beli their promotions are guaranteed. Mr. 5 understand the reason why Mr. 3 placed the bomb inside the rum barrels. Mr. 3 said that they would stand no chance to fight them head-on and tells them to follow his commands. Mr. 3 said that with a little scheming even a mountain can be leveled down to the ground.

Meanwhile, the volcano erupts again and Brogy is prepared for battle. Usopp worries about the injuries he received, but Brogy tells him that both he and Dorry were injured in the previous battle, and that making such excuses in a relentless fight to the death would only tarnish one's honor.

Dorry struggles to step up and fight and Vivi tries to stop him warning him that he might die from his injuries if he fights. Dorry states that he vows to give a fight worthy of Elbaf's honor.

Mission 99

As the air raid siren rings, the Eden Academy graduates rush out of the building to hurry to the shelter, and Henry lets go of Martha's hand so they can leave as well. At the shelter, they realize it was a false alarm and decide to end the graduation party. Afterward, Henry asks Martha what she was going to tell him earlier. Instead of confessing her feelings as planned, Martha wavers and asks for a send-off from him.

Martha sobs at her failure in her room, but she gets the idea to write a letter to Henry. Martha writes down the time and place of her departure, hoping to confess there. However, Martha's letter is heavily redacted by upper management due to the fear of spies, and Henry never arrives, which saddens Martha.

Henry receives Martha's next letter, this time, less redacted and with Martha promising to continue writing to him. Henry responds with a letter of his own, and the two begin writing to each other regularly as they continue their daily lives. However, as the war grew more dire, Henry began receiving fewer letters from Martha. By that time, Henry began yearning to hear from Martha again. While at a dinner party, Henry hears of the women in the military being planned for deployment and becomes pensive.

The Women's Defense Auxiliary is summoned for the announcement of a new women's combat battalion due to the state of the battlefield and asks them to volunteer by tonight. The panicked women discuss their decision, with one of them hearing a rumor that deserters are being executed and stating that they will be forced into the battalion. Martha decides to fight, wanting to protect Ostania if she will die anyway.

announced in the newspapers, with Martha among her fellow soldiers on the front page. Back in Berlint, Henry is dismayed by this news. He is interrupted by a student calling him for their middle school debate competition. The competition, discussing if people could ever free themselves from war, has Donovan Desmond arguing as the opposing position, stating that "Human beings are simply liars." The young Desmond argues that people always hide their true intentions and that history will always be doomed to repeat itself even if reforms or innovations are made. Henry, on the other hand, is too impatient to hear out their arguments and is concerned for Martha's situation.

Henry finally hears back from Martha, who has been fighting on the frontlines. She is not faring well and has realized that she has made a mistake, then wishes to see him again. A tearful Henry wishes the same and realizes too late that he wants to protect her. Henry stops receiving letters from Martha and writes one to her, desperately wishing for her to come back. While delivering the letter, Henry is shocked to hear on the radio that the Women's Military Unit has died on the battlefield.

Sometime later, the military makes a speech to the Eden Academy students in an enlistment campaign. As the speaker uses the Women's Military Unit as an example, a worn-out Henry interrupts him, shaming him for using their deaths as propaganda and denouncing the war. As such, Henry is called a traitor and arrested. In prison, Henry is visited by his father, who tells him to fix his attitude lest he lose his teaching job. An embittered Henry accepts and returns to Eden, now bearing his monocle after injuring his eye during his arrest. After a class, Henry is approached by Donovan, who calls him a fool and that one should not expect much from him. Henry responds that if people were to give up on everyone and everything, human history would end, and jokes that he would be out of a job. Donovan tells Henry that he would not want that, as he enjoys his lectures, which touches Henry.

The war eventually came to an end, and Henry waited for Martha to return to Berlint, only for her to never arrive. Later, Henry's father informs him that he has secured a suitor for Henry and tells him that he cannot refuse. Accepting his situation and telling himself it is for the best, Henry marries the woman. Meanwhile, somewhere near the East-West border, Martha is alive, recovering at a lone cabin by the sea.

Sandy, SpongeBob, and the Worm

In the middle of the night, an unseen creature lurks into Bikini Bottom and causes havoc, taking gigantic bites out of everything in sight. Soon it appears at SpongeBob's house and decimates the pineapple, and SpongeBob wakes up just in time to see the beast. The next morning at the Krusty Krab, he tells the frightened crowd of the Alaskan Bull Worm that he saw, and the townspeople corroborate his tale of woe. They all agree that they need a plan to protect themselves from this monster.

Mr. Krabs tries to take advantage of the situation and make cash by selling Krabby Patties, but he is immediately pelted with ketchup and mustard bottles by the annoyed crowd due to drifting off-topic. As everyone struggles to plan, Patrick suggests physically pushing the whole town to a safer location, but this idea is immediately shot down by Squidward. Among the other suggestions is that someone should take on the beast and that someone willing to do the job turns out to be Sandy. She shows the crowd that her tail has also been eaten by the worm, and vows to go defeat the beast to get her tail back. Nearly everyone cheers, but SpongeBob is terrified, and asks Sandy to reconsider. Sandy refuses to listen to his pleas and rushes out, so SpongeBob goes after her. The townspeople then decide, as a backup plan, to follow Patrick's suggestion and start shoving the city out of harm's way.

SpongeBob catches up to Sandy and again tries to dissuade her from her crusade. Sandy scoffs at his fears, sure of her own strength and of the need to retrieve her tail. SpongeBob meekly informs her that he is the one who has her tail, but when she asks to see it, all he can produce is a paperclip and a piece of string. Nevertheless, he keeps trying to stop her from proceeding. Nothing he does slows her down, so he begs her not to go there, that she has no idea what she's up against. Sandy, annoyed at SpongeBob's constant worrying, commands him to agree that there is no animal too big or dangerous for her to handle.

They reach a large, moist cave that seems to be the lair of the worm, and against SpongeBob's protestations, Sandy heads inside to do battle with the creature. She manages to wrangle the wriggly monstrosity and tie it in a knot, proudly presenting it and her reunited tail to SpongeBob, saying she knew no worm was a match for her. However, SpongeBob timidly points out that what she is defeated is not the Alaskan Bull Worm, but rather its tongue. After contemplating the fact that the cave itself is actually the worm (due to its blinking eyes and upper teeth), Sandy realizes SpongeBob and the other Bikini Bottomites weren’t exaggerating about its size, and sagely decides to hightail it.

The giant worm angrily gives chase, but even as SpongeBob and Sandy run for dear life, SpongeBob cannot help but point out he was right all along about the worm being too much for her to handle, coercing Sandy into admitting it, and she does after a while. During the chase, the two run up and down a sand mound, which the worm plows right through, and inadvertently eats the behind of one of the townspeople (who was already a victim of the worm earlier in the episode). Still needing a way to escape, Sandy takes the paperclip and string SpongeBob showed her earlier, and uses them to snag a branch of coral. She swings them out of the charging worm's path, leaving it to hurtle off a cliff (though they landed on the worm's back, prompting them to run back to the plateau). Sandy and SpongeBob congratulate themselves and head off to inform the town of the worm's defeat.

Meanwhile, the townspeople, unaware of the victory, have finished moving the city to the bottom of the cliff and give a cheer thinking it is perfect, just as the plummeting worm lands right on top of it, destroying it, and utters a pitiful "Ouch" before the episode ends.

Diary of Koby-Meppo

Vol.29 : "A Small Farewell"


Oda Eiichiro

A Happy New Year indeed. So what should I do this year. I think, yeah, I'd like to write a really good manga.




Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 24