
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2024

Chapter 138

Luffy encounters Wapol and two of his followers who had decided to kill him. However, due to Nami and Sanji's conditions, he is unable to fight back. While he is barely able to evade the trio's attacks, who perfectly mastered battle in a snowy area, he is rescued by a group of lapahn, as a way of thanks for saving a baby lapahn parent earlier. Luffy reaches the bottom of the castle cliff. However, the mountain is almost vertical and very high. Determined, Luffy finally succeed to reach the top after several hours. Unable to make another step, he collapses at the top. As he is about to fall from the cliff, a helpful hand rescues him. The Summit Wapol confronts Luffy, who ignores him, and is attacked for his lack of respect. However, Luffy cannot fight back due to the fact that he is carrying his critically-injured crew mates. Fortunately, he is helped by the lapahns he helped out earlier. Luffy then arrives at the base of a nearly vertical cliff. He begins to climb the mountain

Chapter 137

Sanji and Luffy try to evade the avalanche created by the lapahn. While they attempt to flee to a high point, they continue to be chased by the ferocious animals. In order to save Nami, Sanji sacrifices himself and throws Luffy and Nami to a safe place and is hit by the full front of the avalanche. The avalanche also heads towards Drum's villages. Wapol quickly escapes with the help of his Devil Fruit powers. Convinced that it was a deliberated plan of the Straw Hats to attack him, he departs for the castle with his two lieutenants. In the mountain, Luffy is safe and has found Sanji. However the cook is now unconscious. Avalanche Usopp and Vivi and the villagers are fleeing from the avalanche. Elsewhere, Luffy and Sanji try to find higher ground but are unable to escape the avalanche. Luffy grabs a tree and rides it like a sled as he grabs Sanji. They are confronted by more lapahns who throw trees at them, but Sanji kicks Luffy away while he takes the brunt of the attack and saves

Chapter 136

Dalton attacks Wapol but is tricked by his good feelings. The lapahn, not able to catch Luffy and Sanji start an avalanche. A Man Named Dalton Wapol threatens the inhabitants of Bighorn. he demands they accept him as their king once more. When he learns from his crewmates that the Straw Hats are nearby, he swears to get revenge. His men spot his castle is intact and that Dr. Kureha is living in it. Wapol is surprised and he decides to take it back and to take his revenge. However, his plan is halted by Dalton who has run towards his village. He delivers a critical hit Wapol. However, the former King has a highly skilled personal medical team, the Isshi-20. It is revealed that Wapol got rid of every doctor in Drum, beside the 20 best ones whom only works for him. Due to the medical notoriety of the town, when people could no longer get treatment due to the monopoly of medical services, the town was abandoned by the medical professionals. This act of selfishness and the cowardice he has

Chapter 135

Luffy and Sanji are stopped on their way to the castle by a herd of Lapin, giant and ferocious rabbits. Sanji explains to Luffy that only he can fight them, and that Luffy has to avoid engaging in battle or risk harming Nami. Sanji kicks them off and the herd become angry when they see him kick a small Lapahm. Meanwhile, Dalton guides Vivi and Usopp to Cocoa Weed, the village where Dr. Kureha was last seen. However, when they arrive she has already left. The bad news continue when a guard arrives in a shocked state. He tells Dalton that their former king, Wapol, has returned. On the coast, Wapol defeated the village guards easily and is determined to return to his castle as soon as possible, but when he learns that the Going Merry is nearby and that the Straw Hats headed towards Bighorn village, he decides to take his revenge. Dalton, on his side, left Cocoa as soon as he heard the news, in order to stop the tyrant's return to his throne. Lapahm Dalton apologizes for assuming that

Chapter 134

Dalton reveals to Vivi and Usopp that Wapol was their former king. But instead of protecting the villagers during Blackbeard's attack, he fled along with the country's army and became a pirate as a decoy. Vivi cannot believe that a king can act so badly. Unfortunately for Drum people, their worst fear is about to happen: Wapol and his men are in view of their former island and he is coming back to reclaim his throne. Meanwhile, Sanji and Luffy are on their way to retrieve the doctor who can cure Nami, and while chitchatting, they are attacked by a baby lapahn, but Sanji gets rid of him easily. A group of adults Lapahns appear in front of them. Dr. Kureha, the only Doctor of the island, has come down to a nearby town. She cures a boy who is suffering enormously, but the villagers are skeptical with her unorthodox manner and fees. They are easily convinced after she shows her tremendous skill by diagnosing and curing the boy efficiently. Dr. Kureha Dalton is surprised to learn th

Chapter 133

The Straw Hats are guided by Dalton, the guard captain, to Bighorn, a village of Drum Island. There is only one doctor on the island, Dr. Kureha, who lives in a castle at the top of a steep mountain. To reach her quickly, Luffy and Sanji decide to climb the mountain, carrying Nami on their back. Adventure in a Nameless Country Dalton, the guard of the island, leads the Straw Hats toward his village. Zoro and Karoo stay behind to guard the Going Merry. The island seems to be in an important time of its history since strange things are hinted: it has no name, the villagers are making a police force, and an election is about to occur. But to the Straw Hats' misfortune, there is only one doctor—a 140 year old lady, Dr. Kureha—whom the villagers call a witch. She lives in a castle at the top of a steep mountain and only comes down to treat patients when she so desires. However, according to Dalton, she is very skillful at her practice. With Nami's fever climbing, Luffy decides to cl

Chapter 132

After the Bliking Pirates retreat to search for their captain, the Straw Hats enter a calm, but cold, weather. Vivi explains to them that they must be near a Winter Island. A short time later, a snowy island is in view. Luffy is delighted by the beauty of the white landscape even if Sanji tries to explain to him that they will stay there only the time necessary to cure Nami. However, as soon as they reach the coast, they are threatened by angry villagers who ask them to depart immediately. One of them even fires a bullet at Sanji. When he is about to start a fight, Vivi stops him but is wounded by another gunshot in the process. Luffy, angered, starts to attack them, but is stopped once again by Vivi, who was only injured lightly. She explains to Luffy that he will not solve anything by violence and instead bows herself in front of the villagers. Luffy, understanding Nami's sake is the most important, kneels down too and begs for the villagers' help. Seeing this humble gesture,

Chapter 131

Zoro spots someone standing at the sea surface. After an awkward moment, a submarine ship surfaces. The Straw Hat are attacked by the Bliking Pirates and their captain, Wapol. He first asks the Straw Hat if they have an Eternal Pose leading to Drum Island. The Bliking pirates then decide to steal the Straw Hat treasures instead. Wapol, in front of the bemused Straw Hats, begins to eat the deck of the Going Merry. Angered that someone dares to damage his ship, Luffy attacks Wapol directly but his Baku Baku no Mi allows Wapol to eat everything and swallows Luffy's head. However, rubber seems difficult to masticate, leaving Luffy time to attack Wapol with a Gomu Gomu no Bazooka sending the hungry pirate flying. Meanwhile, Vivi, heads upstairs to interrogate the noise and leaves Nami's bedside. She barely has time to notice Wapol, but he seems familiar to her. Tin Plate Wapol Zoro asks the crew if it is possible for someone to stand on top of water. The crew is confused as it is ph

Chapter 130

Nami suffers from a strong fever. The Straw Hats grown concerned as they have no doctor on-board besides Nami. When Vivi reviews the paper, she learns that the Arabasta Kingdom is on the verge of a civil war and won't be able to hold out much longer. Nami then stands up, pretending she is fine. On the deck, she feels an atmosphere change and orders the ship to change direction to avoid a storm. Meanwhile, Vivi has taken her decision: in order to reach Arabasta as soon as possible, they must find a doctor to cure Nami, since traveling with a healthy navigator is the fastest way. A giant cyclone suddenly appears in the path they would have taken had it not been for Nami's instinct. One day later, they enter a winter area, suddenly Zoro spots something weird in the sea. Maximum Speed Sanji continues to worry about Nami's health, while Vivi believes she has come down with a climate sickness. Vivi then asks if their is anyone on board with any medical knowledge and the crew poin

Chapter 129

After defeating Mr. 3 and finding a way to head towards Arabasta, the Straw Hats have one last obstacle to cross: a giant goldfish who blocks the exit of the island. However, the Elbaf warriors offer their help and ask the crew to go straight ahead. While they are being eaten by the fish, the giants release a powerful attack which pierces the monster from end to end, providing a straight exit for the Merry as promised. The ship is sent flying and Usopp and Luffy (who were the only having faith) cry out of joy. After their farewell, the giants remember the old days through a flashback. Meanwhile, the crew is happy to finally be able to reach Arabasta as fast as possible, but suddenly Nami collapses, struck down by a high fever. Straight Ahead!!! The Straw Hats set sail from Little Garden but are quickly confronted by an island devouring goldfish. Nami demands they maneuver away from the beast but recalling the giant's words, Usopp and Luffy continue to sail the ship straight as comm

Chapter 128

The Straw Hats depart from Little Garden, and hurry to Arabasta. As Smoker intercepts their phone call and leaves for Arabasta as well. Pride On a marine ship somewhere in the Grand Line Smoker asks an unknown marine to play back the intercepted message that they just recorded. He also demands that Tashigi hears it as well. Smoker has to shout at her to get her to listen. The message is played back and though it is poor reception a few important words can be heard, such as: princess Vivi, Straw Hat, Mr. 0, and orders. Tashigi then wonders if the message has something to do with Mr. 11, whom Smoker tricks into revealing that he is a part of it. Smoker then recalls that Vivi is the princess of Arabasta and decides to head there. Meanwhile back at Little Garden, everyone is happy that they managed to defeat the Baroque Works members, Sanji then shows up and reveals that he just had a conversation with Mr. 0 and obtained an eternal log pose. Sanji and Zoro then try and determine who won th

Chapter 127

Dorry regains consciousness, with Brogy's strike having only knocked him out. Meanwhile, Sanji receives a call from Sir Crocodile of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, who is the leader of Baroque Works under the codename Mr. 0. Sanji impersonates Mr. 3 and lies that he eliminated the Straw Hats and Vivi, and Crocodile sends the Unluckies to give Sanji an Eternal Pose leading to Arabasta. Sanji defeats the Unluckies, but Crocodile tells Miss All Sunday to send Mr. 2 to assassinate Mr. 3 on his way to Arabasta. Den Den Mushi Brogy weeps over the loss of Dorry, causing a deluge of tears to spill onto the ground. However, Dorry then sits up, having only been knocked out by Brogy's strike. They guess this was likely due to their weapons having been severely dulled by their century-long clash. Brogy tearfully embraces Dorry, but after exchanging a few words, the two giants almost get into another fight, appalling Nami. Meanwhile, after finding out that Mr. 0 is calling him, Sanji recall

Chapter 126

Zoro, Nami, and Vivi are freed from Mr. 3's candelabra, and Nami and Vivi defeat Miss Valentine while Zoro defeats Mr. 5 with Usopp's help. Meanwhile, Luffy and Karoo chase Mr. 3 into the woods, where Mr. 3 creates wax duplicates of himself in order to attack Luffy by surprise. However, Luffy immediately manages to attack the real Mr. 3 entirely out of instinct, and Karoo attacks the terrified Miss Goldenweek. Meanwhile, in Mr. 3's house, Sanji receives a call from the Baroque Works boss Mr. 0. Instinct Thanks to Usopp and Karoo's rope, Luffy manages to set Mr. 3's candelabra ablaze with the agent's flaming hair. Mr. 3's Candle Champion starts melting as well, and he runs off into the woods with Karoo chasing him. Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine are left enraged, and Miss Valentine flips up into the air as she prepares to finish off Usopp with a 10,000 kilogram axe kick. However, Nami and Vivi attack Miss Valentine with their weapons as they emerge from the fire, h

Chapter 125

Time is running out for Luffy in his quest to free Zoro, Nami, and Vivi, and Mr. 3 tries to finish him off by creating a powerful wax armor. However, despite Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine trying to stop them, Usopp and Karoo manage to wrap a rope covered in oil around Mr. 3's candelabra, and Luffy uses Mr. 3's burning hair to set it ablaze and try to melt the wax. Meanwhile, Sanji discovers a house made of wax. Candle Champion Sanji notes that he has waited on the Going Merry for a while now, and so decides to go look and see what is going on. As he calls out for Nami and Vivi, he notices a house made out of wax. Meanwhile, Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine tell the angry Luffy to accept the death of his friends. Mr. 3 then creates a massive suit of wax armor around his body, which he calls the "Candle Champion", and he prepares to finish off Luffy. Mr. 3 wants Miss Goldenweek to paint his suit, but she declines, and Luffy is distracted as he stares in awe at the Candle Champion. A

Chapter 124

While trying to save his friends, Luffy falls into Miss Goldenweek's Colors Trap. She is able to use the power of color to influence people's behavior and Luffy, being so simple-minded, is very easily influenced. Meanwhile, Usopp and Karoo are chased by Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine. They are hit by Mr. 5's new weapon (using his breath to fire faster bullets), but Usopp is able to fire a Kaen Boshi to hit Luffy so that he can get rid of Miss Goldenweek's marks. Vivi, Zoro and Nami get completely covered with wax. The Tea is Good Nami asks Luffy to free them from the candle, but Luffy seems unwilling to help even thought he realizes the danger. Meanwhile, Usopp and Karoo are hiding in bushes and are suddenly found by Mr. 5 and Miss. Valentine. They explain that Luffy is under the spell of Color Trap, where she can influence the behavior of a victim based on the colors she draws on them, before attacking the duo. Usopp and Karoo try to escape, while Vivi realizes that Luffy

Chapter 123

Luffy confronts Mr. 3, and manages to use the agent's Doru Doru no Mi abilities against him by using his candle bindings as hammers. Luffy destroys part of Mr. 3's giant candle and lands a hit on him, but suddenly refuses to help save Nami, Zoro, and Vivi due to Miss Goldenweek's "Colors Trap". Luffy vs. Mr. 3 Luffy, Usopp, and Karoo arrive at Mr. 3's Giant Candle Service Set, and Luffy says he will destroy it. Nami and Zoro bicker about Zoro's plans while they are trapped, and Vivi notes how carefree they are despite still being in trouble. Mr. 3 does not think much of Luffy, but knows that he is stronger than Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine, so he has them take on the others while he attacks Luffy. Usopp says he will provide backup for Luffy from behind the trees, and Brogy asks why Zoro is no longer trying to get out. Zoro replies that there is now someone who will try to get them out, but Mr. 3 immediately manages to lock Luffy's feet into a candle with h