Chapter 6

Luffy finally manages to free Zoro, and the two take out all of Morgan's soldiers. Luffy fights with Morgan, but is forced to stop when Helmeppo threatens to shoot Koby. While Luffy saves Koby by taking out Helmeppo, Morgan takes the chance to attempt to kill him, but is stopped by Zoro.

A Moment in Verse

The First

Morgan tells his men that Luffy must have eaten a Devil Fruit and that he is not a normal human. Realizing guns will not work; the Marines attack Luffy while he is trying to untie Zoro. Koby awakens after fainting when Luffy was shot at to see the Marines charging at Zoro and Luffy. Luffy manages to untie Zoro and hands him his swords.

After freeing himself, all the charging Marines find their swords are locked by Zoro's three swords. Zoro threatens to kill anyone who moves and the Marines cry with fear. Zoro tells Luffy he has already declared he will join him after this, as the Marines will declare him a criminal either way. He lays down the conditions for him to join Luffy, warning him that his plans have better not interfere with his own dream of becoming the greatest swordsman.

Morgan calls out to his men to fight them and Luffy tells Zoro to duck. Luffy knocks all the Marines who currently have their swords locked against Zoro's swords. The Marines complain that they cannot defeat the pair. Morgan orders his men to hold their guns to their heads for disobeying him. Luffy proclaims that he is the Marines' worst enemy and dares Morgan to attack him. The fight presumes, and Morgan cuts a fence in half with his axe-hand.

Morgan proves to have high endurance as neither man manages to knock the other to the ground. As Morgan is knocked around by Luffy, Helmeppo holds a gun to Koby's head and threatens to kill him. Koby tells Luffy to continue, but Luffy ignores him and lands a punch on Helmeppo. Morgan takes advantage of this to attack Luffy, but is defeated by Zoro.

Short Mission 4

At 5:33 AM, Henry Henderson is taking a jog around Eden Academy. After completing his jog, he heads to Cecile Hall's dormitory to take a shower. After completing his shower, he puts on his suit and starts making some tea. The dorm tutor walks in and the two wish each other a good morning. Henry invites the tutor to have tea and the tutor gladly joins.

Henry pours hot water into the kettle, puts his tea blend into their teacups, and then pours water from the kettle into the cups. Henry tells the tutor that the students from this dorm did well on the history midterm, to which the tutor tells Henry that the students said it was thanks to Henry. Henry states that it's because he focuses less on timelines and more on the human element of history and the ideas that come from it.

The dorm mother then walks up and Henry invites her to tea as well. After finishing their tea, Henry goes to his desk and begins writing a letter to his family. At 7:58 AM, he reads a book while listening to music coming from his phonograph. Outside his window, he sees the students coming to school and wishing each other a good morning.

He finishes reading and gets ready for another elegant day at Eden Academy. However, he is instead greeted by Damian Desmond, Emile Elman, and Ewen Egeburg fighting with Anya Forger and Becky Blackbell. Henry gives a look of disappointment having to deal with this so early in the day.

Da Ji

Emperor Zhou's desire for the Goddess Nu Wa was considered an obsession, perhaps even madness. She sent signs and missives to reject him, but Zhou would not be dissuaded. At night, he slipped into her temple and scrawled poetry across the walls espousing his undying love. This defilement could not go unanswered. Nu Wa summoned the most conniving and wicked Fox Spirit she could and thrust it upon the Emperor with intent to spiral his life into misery. Little did Nu Wa know what she had just unleashed.

For thousands of years the nine-tailed Fox spirit had lived, biding its time, honing its malicious appetites. Finally in human form, it assumed the irresistible guise of Da Ji, and to Emperor Zhou, she could do no wrong.

With free reign of the Empire and its people, Da Ji reveled in torture and malice. She took delight in their screams of pain as she danced to playful music composed at her command, the musicians trembling for every note.

So grievous did these atrocities grow that the people rose up and overthrew their ruler. They stormed the gates, toppled the throne, and pursued Zhou to his bed chamber, where the crazed emperor finally took his own life.

Yet, Da Ji managed to escape and conceal herself. Now she joins the fray, not to save the universe, nor empower her pantheon, but instead to soak up every last cry of anguish from her enemies.

The Lich King

Arthas Menethil, the crown prince of Lordaeron, was the son of King Terenas Menethil II, and Queen Lianne Menethil and younger brother of Princess Calia Menethil. He joined the Order of the Silver Hand led by Uther the Lightbringer, and was trained as a paladin. Arthas was a promising knight, though he eventually spiraled down a path of vengeance.

Arthas's downfall began at Stratholme, one of the first cities to be struck by the plague. Upon discovering that the grain stores in the city had been infected, Arthas ordered Uther and a Kirin Tor mage named Jaina Proudmoore to help him purge the city in order to prevent the plague from spreading further. Uther and Jaina refused to follow his demands, however, and Arthas went on to purge the city without them. In Stratholme, Arthas encountered and fought a dreadlord by the name of Mal'Ganis. Before Mal'Ganis fled, he told Arthas to meet him in the arctic land of Northrend.

Arthas gathered an army and set sail for Northrend. Upon his arrival, he encountered an old friend by the name of Muradin Bronzebeard. After Muradin told Arthas of an ancient and powerful runeblade and mourneblade called Frostmourne, which had the potential to slay Mal'Ganis, the two friends set out to look for the weapon. Upon finding Frostmourne, however, Muradin realized it was cursed and said they should leave it be. Arthas, willing to pay any price to save his people, did not heed Muradin's warning. He claimed the blade and seemingly killed his old friend in the process.

With Frostmourne in hand, Arthas set out to find Mal'Ganis. He fought through hordes of undead before reaching the dreadlord. Mal'Ganis revealed to Arthas that the whispers he was hearing from Frostmourne were actually the voice of the Lich King, and asked him what the Lich King's next instructions were. Arthas replied that the voice was telling him to enact his vengeance. Striking the astonished dreadlord down, Arthas abandoned his men and began wandering through the frozen wastes, where he lost what remained of his sanity. When Arthas returned to Lordaeron, he killed his father in cold blood and conquered the kingdom in the name of the Scourge.

Some time later, following the destruction he had wrought on the continent, the Lich King ordered Arthas to return to Northrend. Illidan Stormrage, who had been instructed by the Burning Legion to destroy the Lich King, raced Arthas to the immobile Lich King's seat of power in Icecrown. Ultimately, the two fought and Arthas emerged victorious. Arthas shattered the Frozen Throne and placed the helm of the Lich King upon his head, allowing the two to become one single being.

The Sixth Smokestack


After initial skepticism from the adults, Akiko's plea for help over the phone proves that she has truly been kidnapped. The kidnapper threatens to kill her if his demands go unmet or if the police become involved, but Akiko interjects a clue about her location: she is in a school warehouse, and can see a smokestack from the window. The kidnapper quickly ends the call, and the adults debate how to proceed while Conan worries that Akiko's gamble has placed her in imminent danger.

Borrowing Akiko's favorite dog as a mount for the sake of speed, Conan investigates the five nearby school sites that match her description but finds nothing. However, Conan then notices a tall building that looks like a smokestack when viewed from the side, and deduces which school in the area views it from that angle. At the school, the kidnapper closes the ransom deal with Akiko's father and prepares to kill her, but Conan arrives just in time to interfere. The dog attacks the kidnapper while Conan reassures Akiko, but by using a school bat the kidnapper subdues the dog and then goes after Conan. Conan's new body is too weak to fight back with karate, even with his prized soccer kick. All he can do is dodge for as long as possible, and when one too many hits lands, the kidnapper prepares for the finishing blow...

Oda Eiichiro

Tokuhiro-sensei and Rurouni's Watsuki-sensei took good care of me when I was an assistant. I wish Tokuhiro-sensei a speedy comeback.


Chapter 7



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107