Chapter 4

Luffy again goes to see Zoro to invite him to his crew, and Zoro refuses. Luffy decides that if he gets Zoro's swords back from Helmeppo, then he can make Zoro join before he gives them back, so he rushes off to retrieve them. Meanwhile, Morgan, the captain of the Marine base, is having his men lift a giant statue of himself, which Luffy inadvertently destroys while trying to get the swords back. Morgan, infuriated, orders his men to capture Luffy so that he can kill him.

Terror by Torchlight

Marine Captain "Axe-Hand Morgan"

Helmeppo is angry at Luffy for hitting him. Koby can barely hold Luffy back and the townsfolk are in awe at Luffy's actions. Helmeppo is dragged away by two Marines, claiming Luffy will die for hitting him. Rika is pulled away by Ririka, her mother, but Rika defends Luffy and Zoro as good men. Luffy tells Koby he is going to speak to Zoro again.

Back at the Marine base, one of the Marines reports to Morgan that the amount of offering from the townsfolk is decreasing. Morgan is unable to accept that they are poor, seeing it as a sign that the townsfolk are disrespecting him. Just then, Helmeppo bursts in and tells his father that he wants someone killed.

Luffy arrives to talk to Zoro about him joining his crew. He makes a deal with Zoro without his consent that if he gets him his swords, he must join his crew.

On the roof, a statue of Morgan is being raised. Helmeppo is still demanding that Morgan kill Luffy; however, he is hit for giving Morgan an order. Morgan mentions that he heard a little girl snuck into the base earlier. He orders Lieutenant Junior Grade Rokkaku to go find and kill her for disrespecting him. When the Marine refuses, he is hit. Morgan then claims he will do it himself, and gives the order to raise the statue.

On ground level, while Luffy is trying to find a Marine to get Zoro's swords, he hears someone on the roof. On the roof, Seaman Recruit Ukkari knocks the statue against part of the building on the roof. Luffy launches himself up onto the roof via "Gomu Gomu no Rocket". As the Marine is about to be punished for knocking the statue, Luffy flies by, grabbing some of the ropes on the statue because he has taken off into the air too fast. To the horror of everyone there, the statue breaks.

Morgan suddenly bursts out Luffy's death sentence and Helmeppo points out that Luffy was the one he wanted his father to kill in the first place. Then Luffy drags Helmeppo into the base building to find Zoro's swords, while one of the Marines spots Koby untying Zoro. Morgan becomes paranoid because he thinks the townsfolk are turning on him. Koby reveals to Zoro his desire to become a Marine who is just, as well as Luffy's dream of becoming Pirate King. While Zoro shows surprise for Luffy's ambition, Koby is suddenly shot. This causes Zoro to threateningly glance at the roof of the Marine base.

Short Mission 2

Franky meets with Loid to tell him that he has fallen in love with someone. Uninterested in this situation, Loid turns around, wishes him good luck, and starts walking away. Franky stops Loid and asks him for help, to which Loid tells him the secret is effort. Loid continues walking away, but Franky says he will sell Loid out to the Secret Police, to which Loid gives Franky a look of killing intent. Franky tells Loid he was joking and promises to make a smaller listening device for Loid in exchange for help with his love.

They stop by a coffee shop where Franky tells Loid about the woman he has fallen for: Monica McBride, an employee at the cigar club on Fifth Street. Franky proceeds to divulge lots of personal information that he has collected on her. Loid gives him a face of disappointment, which Franky complains about as Loid also does research on others. Loid fires back, though, telling Franky it is his job to do that. Loid asks Franky why he even needs his help if he has already gathered this much info on her. Franky loudly whispers to him that information gathering and analysis are two very different things and that he is only good at gathering.

Franky begs Loid to help him as Franky keeps buying fancy cigars every day just to see her. Loid asks Franky if he just wants an analysis of the information he gathered and a plan based on it, which Franky confirms. Loid proceeds to make a large conversation flowchart for Franky to memorize. Franky tells Loid that is too complicated and asks for something that will work no matter what. Loid shoots off the idea that he could just sit behind her and give Franky hand signals, but Franky shoots down this idea as he does not want Loid to hear their conversation.

Loid then suggests that Franky practice having a date with him, which Franky initially refuses but quickly changes his mind. Loid throws together a disguise of Monica, and the two of them practice having a conversation. After finishing, Franky, feeling satisfied, thanks Loid and heads out to ask out Monica, and Loid worriedly believes that he will fail. Franky arrives at the cigar club, and after being greeted by Monica, he begins to make his date invitation while stumbling over it.

The Forger family is out for a walk, and Anya tells Yor she wants to go on the playground obstacle course which Yor says would be fun. Loid spots Franky across the street, and Anya says hello to him. Loid asks him how it went, and Franky relays the excuse Monica provided for why she could not go on a date. Franky adds that she said she would see a movie with him some other day, then says he feels like getting a drink. Hearing his true thoughts with her telepathy, Anya pats him in pity, to his shock.

Franky sobs at the bar and asks for another cheap drink as he complains about how Monica shot him down before he could finish his invitation. However, he instead gets an expensive drink provided by Loid, who sheepishly greets him. A surprised Franky asks about Anya's park trip, and Loid tells him that Yor is taking care of it. Franky believes that Loid just came here to mock him, but Loid tells him that people like themselves cannot afford to have feelings for others in their work. Franky finds the advice ironic coming from a man with a wife and daughter, which Loid says are part of his mission. A frustrated Franky tells Loid that he plans to get drunk on his tab, and Loid says he will join him.

Ao Kuang

Regal, powerful, the Dragon-God of the Eastern Sea commands storms and tides with the flick of a claw, yet he seethes with rage for past humiliations.

As one of four Dragon-Gods, Ao Kuang demands tribute from those along the Eastern shores. For their worship, tides remain calm, rivers contained, and rainfall for crops plentiful. It was not always like this, however. Long ago, Ao Kuang grew greedy and expected greater sacrifices. When they were not given, he sent floods, tidal waves, and devastating storms, striking so much fear into the people they dared not speak of this violence to the Jade Emperor. Ao Kuang enjoyed his total control.

Then came Sun Wukong to his undersea palace seeking a weapon for his famous journey to the West. Despite the offer of other weapons, Sun Wukong took the Ruyi Jingu Bang, an immense pillar that aided in controlling the tides. It was believed none could even lift it, but Sun Wukong spun it with ease. As if this were not humiliating enough, Sun Wukong demanded other gifts of armor, shoes, and helm, all of which Ao Kuang was forced to supply.

Next, the demigod boy Nezha, playing in a stream, inadvertently shook Ao Kuang's palace. Annoyed, the Dragon-God set forth his favorite scout to kill the child, but Nezha defended himself and the scout was slain. Furious, Ao Kuang ordered his third son to destroy Nezha, yet Nehza slew him as well. Completely outraged, Ao Kuang went to Nezha's father and threatened to take the issue before the Jade Emperor, but Nezha tackled the Dragon-King and forced him to submit.

Such repeated shame and humiliation have both humbled Ao Kuang and tempered his fury to steely resolve. Long has he awaited his chance to rise again and exert dominance as a great Dragon-God of the Sea.

Realmless Bounty Hunter

The ornate orbital sculptures and gilded mega-cities of Iresia were famous across the Nexus for their technological advancement and beauty. But power and prosperity breed conflict. When Iresia's competing factions tore the realm apart, shattering its singularity, the famous warrior known as Qhira had no choice but to flee. Now Qhira roams the Nexus, armed with a segmented chainsword, making a reluctant living as a bounty hunter while she searches for survivors.

The Great Detective Turned Small


Unaware of his condition, Shinichi tries to explain to the security guards the events he witnessed but they dismiss it as an over-active imagination. Shinichi then sees himself in a mirror and realizes his body has shrunk. He escapes from the guards and heads home, where he runs into his neighbor and family friend Professor Agasa. Naturally, Agasa does not believe the child's claim that he is Shinichi Kudo, but when Shinichi correctly deduces that Agasa had just run home from a restaurant, Agasa realizes the truth. Inside his house's library, Shinichi dons his old elementary school uniform and discusses the situation with Agasa. Shinichi asks him to make an antidote, but Agasa cannot without knowing the ingredients to the poison. As Agasa insists that Shinichi keep his identity secret for fear of the men in black realizing he is alive — and coming to kill him and anyone he may have told about them — Ran arrives in search of him.

Agasa stalls Ran as Shinichi hides behind a desk and turns his father's old glasses into a makeshift disguise. When she discovers him, she finds him adorable and asks his name. Shinichi panics, looks at the nearby books, and answers Conan Edogawa, from Arthur Conan Doyle and Edogawa Rampo. Agasa tells Ran that Conan is a distant relative whose parents are in the hospital and have asked him to take care of him. But, he tells her, he is a single man and cannot properly take care of a child, so he asks Ran to take him in. When Conan hisses protests, Agasa quietly explains to him that Ran's father Kogoro is a detective, and Conan realizes that if he lives there he may find information leading to the men in black. Excited by the prospect, Conan agrees and goes with Ran to ask Kogoro if he can stay.

On the walk home, Ran asks Conan if he has a person he likes, explaining that she does. Intending to tease her, Conan asks if she is talking about Shinichi. To his surprise, she admits to it but asks Conan not to tell Shinichi. This revelation causes Conan to almost admit his identity to her, but they are interrupted by Kogoro rushing out to the street in pursuit of a case: a rich man's child was kidnapped by a man in black. He heads off in a taxi, but belatedly realizes that Conan snuck into the car and Ran followed Conan. As Kogoro and Ran argue about whether they'll interfere with his work, Conan is thinking only of the men in black...

Oda Eiichiro

A comrade from my rookie days, Mizumoto-san, will have his manga published in Akamaru Jump. Let's take this as a step towards us being serialized together!!


Chapter 5



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107