Chapter 7

Morgan's Marines are grateful to Luffy for defeating Morgan and ridding them of his tyranny, and allow Luffy and Zoro to leave peacefully. Koby, however, does not accompany them, causing the soldiers to ask if he is one of them or not. To prove that Koby is not their friend, Luffy provokes him until he punches him; he is then allowed to stay. After the pirates leave, Koby asks to join the Marines, and is allowed in. Koby and the Marines salute Luffy and Zoro as they set off.

Dark Mirror


Morgan has been defeated; however, the Marines working for him would rather celebrate than worry about his loss. Due to his fatigue, Zoro finally collapses.

Back at Rika's home, Zoro is eating after going for nine days without food. Zoro asks Luffy what his plans are. Luffy states he wants to go to the Grand Line to find One Piece. Zoro questions why Koby is worried since he is not going with them. He replies that it is because they are friends. Zoro points out to Koby that his past with Alvida makes joining the Marines difficult as he has association with pirates.

Just then, the Marines enter the building demanding to know if Luffy and Zoro are pirates. After the pair confirms that they are, they are told as pirates the Marines are grateful for their help, but they cannot stay in town and must leave; however, the Marines will not be reporting the whole event to Marine Headquarters. Luffy and Zoro thank Rika's mother for the food.

Koby is left standing there alone and the Marines question whether he is with the pirates. Koby claims otherwise. As Luffy is asked if he knows Koby, Luffy goes on about how Koby used to be with Alvida. Angry that Luffy is telling the Marines what he does not want them to know, he hits him. With everyone watching in awe, Luffy begins to punch Koby for hitting him. After the Marines stop Luffy from fighting, Koby is declared not to be with the pirates. Luffy and Zoro are ordered to leave.

Lying on the ground, Koby brings his nerves together and declares he wants to join the Marines, even if it is just to do chores. The Marine in charge of the scene asks Koby if he really wants to join, the Marine acknowledges his past with pirates and agrees that Koby can join.

On the outskirts of the town, Zoro and Luffy are leaving. Koby suddenly catches their attention. Koby salutes the pirates; suddenly he becomes aware that the other Marines are also saluting them. As the two sail away in a small boat, the Marine in charge declares that they violated the Marine code of conduct and now must go one week without food, but not before commenting to Koby on how he has a good friend in Luffy.

Short Mission 5

The chapter introduces Sylvia Sherwood, a handler at WISE, the Westalian Intelligence Services' Eastern-focused Division. She officially acts as an attaché at the Westalis's Embassy in Ostania but commands a corps of intelligence agents, even under strict surveillance by the secret police. Due to her flawless performance under such harsh conditions, she is dubbed the "Fullmetal Lady" by her agents.

Sylvia walks down the street as two SSS agents begin to tail her. She swiftly identifies other people following her in the crowd. She heads for the public pool every Wednesday, maintaining the same clothes, errands, and route to lull the men into a false sense of security. The men tailing her get bored and decide to get something to eat while waiting for her to leave the pool. Sylvia quickly changes into a new set of clothes and a short black wig, leaving the pool without alerting the men.

In her disguise, she meets up with Twilight and briefs him on what they learned from the financial records of Donovan Desmond's partners. As she talks, Loid notices that Sylvia forgot to cut the price tag off her new coat but refuses to point it out to her out of fear.

At another time, Loid attempts to meet up with Sylvia and needs to help lose her pursuers. Sylvia looks into a nearby shop window, reflecting Loid, who signals the location of her pursuers. Loid asks if they should cancel through secret communication. Sylvia refuses and tells him to meet at Point C. At the meeting point, Loid reports that Anya can now jump over to vaulting boxes and jump rope five times in a row. Sylvia looks at him as she tells herself that he must be joking.


There are many stories about the girl who became a hero. Most are embellished, the events polished to a legendary sheen. They say that Hua Mulan was blessed, that her bow and blade were gifts of the gods. That she was wise beyond measure, and stronger than a hundred warriors, for her heart was pure. That she became the sworn sister of the king's daughter. That she returned home and married a prince, or perhaps a farmer. That she died.

But every story, no matter how outlandish, has a grain of truth to it. And this is the truth of Hua Mulan. China was invaded and a man from every family was called to serve in the army. But her father was old and her brother a child, and so for love's sake, she set aside her loom and went to war in their place. She disguised herself as a young man, and no one was the wiser, for her father had trained her in the ways of the bow and the blade, making her the equal of any man in the army.

For twelve years, she maintained the pretence. She fought well against the enemies of China, attaining rank and the loyalty of her fellow soldiers. She led men into battle more than once, setting herself where the fighting was thickest so that those who followed her might see her and take heart. At the end of that twelve years, she was offered a high rank, but turned it down. Instead, having grown tired of war, she asked only that she might return home to her family. And so she did, her duty complete.

But some stories do not end when the hero returns home. For some stories, that is only the beginning. For now, a new danger stirs, and Hua Mulan must once more take up her weapons in defense of her homeland...

Legendary Brewmaster

Chen Stormstout is a wanderer, adventurer and keg-emptier -- and this world-class brewmaster has left an indelible mark on Azeroth's history.

Chen Stormstout was born and raised on the Wandering Isle, a massive landmass on the back of the giant turtle Shen-zin Su. There, he developed his superior fighting skills and the desire to explore and discover new lands (and new ingredients for his legendary brews) like the traveling Pandaren who left Pandaria thousands of years past. Chen's wanderlust led him into adventure after adventure, from the creation of the wildly popular Brewfest event to the very founding of Durotar, where he fought along with the re-formed Horde to establish it in its new home.

Years later, along with his niece, Li Li, Chen embarked on a quest that led him to the mystical Pearl of Pandaria, and with the help of the artifact, he visited his ancestors' home, Pandaria, for the first time. Not long after, the Horde and the Alliance discovered the continent and rekindled their conflict, placing Chen (once again!) squarely in the middle of history.

The Other Perpetrator


As Conan takes a beating, Akiko realizes that her dog has not helped because he has disappeared. Immobile, bruised, and bleeding, Conan mentally acknowledges that his tiny body seems incapable of subduing a caught criminal and he braces himself for the kidnapper's final attack. However, Ran suddenly darts in front of Conan, blocks the baseball bat's downward swing with an arm and then knocks the kidnapper unconscious with a series of powerful karate moves. Kogoro and the dog arrive as Ran unties Akiko, and Ran explains to Conan that the dog returned home with one of Akiko's shoes in order to lead them to Akiko's location. Client and daughter are reunited, and Akiko defends the butler's actions by explaining that she came up with the kidnapping scheme herself in order to spend time with her workaholic father. The client praises Kogoro's method of finding Akiko, though Shinichi privately grumbles that the credit really belongs to him — a fact Akiko acknowledges as she thanks Conan for saving her.

On the taxi ride home Kogoro gloats over the success of the day and the client's promised reward. Ran broaches the idea of Conan staying with them for a while, which Kogoro enthusiastically approves, treating Conan like a good luck charm. As Kogoro laughs, Conan broods over his new apparent helplessness, and how to change that by the time he tracks down the men in black.

Oda Eiichiro

I bought a Lego pirate ship. It's a really fun creation. I believe that the Lego designers who never forget about about the heart of a boy are truly great. However, the target age range is 5-12 years old!! Ahhh!


Chapter 8



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107