Chapter 10

Nami's plan goes wrong when Buggy appears behind her and tells her to kill Luffy. She hesitates and the Buggy Cannon is accidentally lit. She stops the cannon before it fires, and Zoro comes in and chops Buggy up into little pieces.


Incident at the Tavern

Buggy celebrates the return of his map of the Grand Line and Nami joining his crew. During the celebrations, Nami begins to plan her next move; she will make all the pirates drunk to make clearing them out easier, as she has a bigger drinking capacity than them. Luffy, seeing the other pirates celebrating, wants to join in the fun too and Nami comes over to tease him about his current situation. However, she ends up feeding Luffy and tells him that his fate as a prisoner would end once her plan works.

Buggy suddenly appears behind her to proclaim that Luffy should die. As a demonstration, he levels a street of buildings with his cannon and a Buggy Ball. Buggy reveals that he plans to use his Devil Fruit powers along with his cannons to conquer the Grand Line. Buggy then orders Nami to fire the cannon at Luffy to prove her loyalty to him. Nami hesitates to fire the cannon, as she had not planned to kill anyone, and even tries to revert Buggy's attention back to the party, without success. Luffy points out Nami is trembling and lacks the oath a pirate has to make. Nami wonders if such a big oath is to kill people like insects, to which Luffy replies it is the capacity to risk one's own life.

When Nami does not lit the fuse on the cannon, one of Buggy's crew steps in to light it anyway, and Nami hits him away with her staff. She claims that no matter what she does, she does not want to become a cruel pirate because pirates killed the most important person in her life.

While Nami is talking to Buggy, Luffy suddenly notices the fuse is lit. He tries to eat the cage in desperation to get out. As the fuse burns, Nami finds herself under attack by the Buggy pirates. Nami tries to swing her staff at the pirates, who easily dodge her attack, while Luffy continues to try and eat his way out of the cage. Nami quits defending herself from Buggy's crew and puts out the fuse with her bare hands. Suddenly Zoro appears and saves Nami, having found Luffy at last.

Buggy approaches Zoro asking him if he came for Buggy's head. Zoro explains he is no longer a pirate hunter, but Buggy reveals interest in defeating Zoro to become more famous. Buggy attacks Zoro, who accepts the challenge and cuts Buggy into pieces, to the shock of Luffy and Nami. Buggy's crew simply laughs.

Short Mission 8

At the dog park, Franky complains about having to pet-sit Bond once again. Across the park, Bond sees a beautiful Afghan Hound and is immediately smitten. Bond barks in excitement, and Franky wonders what is up with him. The dog and her attractive owner approach the two, and the owner tells Franky that she brings her dog, Coco, to the park every other week. After parting ways, Franky asks Bond if he wants to be his dog, and Bond barks in agreement. Franky is surprised and teases Bond's affection for Coco.

The week after, Yor tries to take Bond out for his walk, but he refuses. Franky walks in, wearing a suit and holding a bouquet, and offers to walk Bond. Bond is happy to see him, and Yor decides to let them go, seeing how close they have gotten.

Franky and Bond go to the dog park and run into Coco and her owner. Bond plays with Coco while her owner and Franky sit down to talk. Bond is nervous, then remembers Franky teaching him that regardless of species, women like kind and confident men. Bond directs Coco to a balance beam, imagining himself helping her cross it. To his surprise, Coco dashes through it effortlessly, stunning him. At Bond's turn, he struggles to cross the beam but tries to show his confidence. His paw slips, causing him to fall and split on the board.

Bond looks to Franky and remembers his teaching that he must look sharp and sleek, citing Loid as an example. Bond runs to a fountain and soaks himself to achieve this sleek look, but at his expense after Coco laughs at his appearance. Bond gets discouraged but remembers Franky's final lesson: to get the girl's attention with a gift. At the same time, Franky offers the flowers to the owner, who refuses. Bond goes to the trees to find a caterpillar, which he gifts to Coco. Coco gets scared of the bug and slaps it away, hitting Bond, while Franky proposes to the owner and gets slapped. Coco and her owner quickly leave the park, leaving Franky and Bond dejected. Franky removes the caterpillar from Bond and also takes their leave. As they walk home, Franky tells Bond they gave it their best shot, to which Bond agrees, and thus a bond is forged.

Guan Yu

As a man, Guan Yu was the embodiment of loyalty, honor, and strength. As a God, he is a guardian of justice, a hero to the downtrodden, the Saint of War.

In the ancient times of the East, a great war between Three Kingdoms raged. The warlord Liu Bei, and his friends, Zheng Fei, and the mighty Guan Yu swore an oath of brotherhood in a mystical peach garden, vowing to create a new, righteous world. Together, they fought countless battles against the warlords Cao Cao and Sun Quan, and Guan Yu grew famous for his combat prowess and unwavering honor.

During the war, Cao Cao captured Guan Yu. At the time, Liu Bei's fate was uncertain, so he agreed to fight for Cao Cao under specific terms, chiefly that he would abandon Cao Cao if ever he learned the whereabouts of his sworn brother. Despite Cao Cao's gifts and promises of wealth, when Liu Bei resurfaced, Guan Yu immediately went to his side. Years later, Guan Yu again faced Cao Cao on the battlefield as the warlord fled from his defeat at Red Cliffs. Guan Yu cut off Cao Cao's retreat and obliterated his forces. Cao Cao, however, he spared and released, as a matter of honor.

After his death, Guan Yu's spirit remained at a holy shrine, coming to the aid of nearby villagers in need, battling the cruel and selfish. From all over the East, worshippers came to the shrine and burned incense to honor him. Such popularity led to Faith, and thus Guan Yu was raised as a God, deified a few hundred years later.

Now, he embodies the virtues he lived by. His statues, wielding a massive guan dao, ward against evil. Red faced to represent loyalty, his likeness is carried by merchants as proof they can be trusted. If their cause is just, he leads armies to victory. Among the Gods of any Pantheon, there are few as deadly and none as righteous as Guan Yu.

Wildhammer Thane

Falstad Wildhammer first gained notoriety as the leader of a group of gryphon riders that patrolled Lordaeron's shores against dragons after the Second War, earning him the name Falstad Dragonreaver. Despite his skill against the giant creatures, Falstad is also one of the most respected humanoids alive in the eyes of the Red dragonflight due to his participation in the mission to rescue Alexstrasza from the Dragonmaw clan at the fortress of Grim Batol.

Following the presumed death or retirement of High Thane Maz Drachrip of the Wildhammer clan, Falstad became the new High Thane. Ruling from his seat at Aerie Peak in the Hinterlands, Falstad had officially maintained neutrality in the war between the Horde and Alliance, despite his leanings towards the latter. This allowed the Wildhammers to avoid open hostilities with the Revantusk trolls, though isolated skirmishes were not necessarily rare occurrences in the Hinterlands due to limited territory and the natural animosity between the two races. This neutrality would prove to be short lived. With the Revantusk trolls to the east and the Forsaken capital only a short distance to the northwest, as well as the growing threat of the Scourge, Falstad found himself squeezed from three sides and worked to rebuild the relationship between the Wildhammers and the Alliance.

When Magni Bronzebeard, King of Ironforge and head of the Bronzebeard clan fell prey to a curse that turned him to crystal, a council with a representative from each major dwarven clan was formed to succeed him. Falstad, representing the Wildhammer clan, now rules alongside Moira Thaurissan of the Dark Iron clan and Muradin Bronzebeard, King Magni's brother.

Falstad's gryphon mount, Swiftwing, is a minor character from the Hinterlands leveling zone. Said to be the mightiest gryphon living in the Wildhammer dwarven capital of Aerie Peak, Swiftwing has a mate, Keenclaw, and a son, Sharpbeak. Saving Sharpbeak from capture by the Vilebranch forest troll tribe was the focus of a quest in Vanilla WoW, but other than that Swiftwing has no other involvement with the plot.



Yuko rants over being summoned to the crime scene, insisting that suspicion should fall on Yoko as the apartment owner. She does acknowledge the earring is hers, but denies the idea that she could be the murderer and goes to use the restroom. Conan notices that Yoko and Yuko look identical from behind, but when he tries to inform Megure and Kogoro they angrily dismiss him as an annoying distraction. Ran tells Conan that he's a little young to try solving cases like Kogoro and Megure, but they'll surely solve the case soon... A bit more melancholy, she adds that Shinichi would have solved the case right away, and wonders what happened to him, prompting Conan to passionately declare that Shinichi will definitely be home soon.

When Yuko lights a cigarette Conan acts like a little kid to point out that though she claimed to have never been at Yoko's apartment, she knew that a Statue of Liberty statuette is actually a cigarette lighter. Conan then immediately asks after the bathroom to make Kogoro realize that Yuko knew where that was, too, and he accuses Yuko of killing the victim to cause a scandal for Yoko. Yuko denies killing him, but confesses that she was the 'stalker' harassing Yoko and had entered the apartment to steal something, was attacked by the victim, fought back, and fled. Kogoro and Megure doubt the denial, but immediately afterward the victim is identified — a young man named Akayoshi Fujie, who attended Yoko's high school. Yamagishi continues to deny that Yoko might know him, but Yoko breaks and confesses that he used to be her boyfriend, who broke up with her before her debut but kept trying to get back together recently.

Yoko, Yamagishi, and Yuko all are suspicious, and as Conan tries to figure out the truth, he notices a strange dent in the wood floor where the body had been. Putting the dent together with the initial disarray of the room except for a single upright chair nearby, the unusual heat of the room, the water marks around the body, and the hair in the body's hand, Conan realizes he's solved the puzzle, but Kogoro prepares to pronounce his own conclusions about the culprit.

Oda Eiichiro

It seems that recently so-called "towelers" have been emerging in my birthplace of Kyushu. How naive... I've been a workplace toweler since way back.


Chapter 11



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107