Chapter 8

In order to get food for himself and Zoro, Luffy tries to catch a bird, but it is far larger than him, and he ends up being brought to an island. Zoro chases after him, and picks up some of Buggy the Clown's pirates along the way. Meanwhile, Luffy meets a girl named Nami, who was running away from some pirates.


Introducing Nami

Zoro and Luffy are lost, starving at sea due to the fact that neither of them has any navigation skills. They are talking about how Zoro survives on the sea by hunting others. Zoro points how odd it is for a pirate like Luffy not being able to navigate, though Luffy states that wandering usually works for him. He then points out that Zoro is no different, given that he is a wandering bounty hunter. Zoro reveals that he never intended to become a bounty hunter in the first place when he first went out to sea, but entirely to search for a certain man. However, he then could not find his way back home. Due to this, he had no choice but to take up bounty hunting for a living. Luffy somewhat correctly comes to the conclusion that Zoro has been lost this whole time, which angers the swordsman who tells him to shut up. Some time passes and a bird flies overhead, causing a starving Luffy to go after it, which ends up with him in the bird's beak, being carried off with Zoro left to chase after him

As Zoro rows as fast as he can, he comes across some castaways and tells them to grab on, as he is not stopping. When they are on board, they reveal that they are pirates working for Captain Buggy and that they were taking the boat. Zoro then reveals to them who he is by beating them. As they row him onwards the question of why they were in the middle of the ocean arises.

It turns out they were tricked by a girl on a boat, who stole their boat and treasure, leaving them to be sunk on her boat with help from a storm. Zoro wonders if a person like her who can predict the weather would join him and Luffy. One of Buggy's crew tells Zoro about their captain and how he has the power of a Devil Fruit.

Meanwhile, a girl in the nearby town is running from some of Buggy's crew after stealing their map to the Grand Line. Elsewhere Buggy's men report seeing a strange bird and Buggy gives the order to shoot it down. As the bird is hit, Luffy falls right in front of the girl. However, to the shock of the Superhuman Domingos, Luffy stands up unscathed.

The girl tries to claim Luffy is her boss in order to get out of trouble with the pirates and runs off, leaving Luffy to deal with them. One of Buggy's crew knocks Luffy's straw hat causing him to get mad. Luffy beats them up. After he is finished, the girl reappears claiming to be a thief who steals from pirates, called Nami.

Short Mission 6

While in the middle of chasing a suspect with his captain, Yuri collapses on the ground. After the suspect gets away, the SSS Lieutenant returns to ask what happened, and Yuri says he has caught a cold.

After returning to headquarters to rest, Yuri explains that his immune system breaks down whenever he remembers that Yor is away. Yuri apologizes for letting the suspect escape, but the Lieutenant tells him not to worry and rest up while he gets medication. As he heads out, Yuri asks for a specific brand of herbal tea. As Yuri lies down, he flashes back to a familiar memory of when he was little.

One day, Yuri gets a fever, and Yor wonders what to do. She tries helping him recover but ends up overdoing it, from covering him with numerous blankets, strangling him with green onion, and picking up any healthy things she found outside, to the point of getting stung by bees and slaying a boar. Yuri sees this and vows to grow up healthy and strong, worried for his sister's life.

While Yor brews him tea, Yuri says he is lucky to have a sister like her. Yor says the same and asks Yuri to stay strong and healthy forever. In his thoughts, Yuri desires to make the world a kinder place for Yor's sake. Yor gives Yuri his tea, which he compliments while throwing it up. He then says his body is being affected so strangely that he does not notice his cold anymore, and Yor is happy.

Yuri wakes up in a sweat, and the Lieutenant asks if he is okay. The Lieutenant says he got the herbal tea, which tastes awful, and asks Yuri if he wants it. Yuri says it is the one that works best and tastes most like Yor's brew. After throwing up the tea, Yuri energetically tries to get back to work, but the Lieutenant yells at him to go to bed.


Not always born in the crucible of creation, sometimes Gods ascend by tragic happenstance. Such is the tale of Chang'e, Goddess of the Moon.

Among the immortals that lived in the Heavens, Chang'e was the most elegant dancer, like a dove on windswept currents. She drew the affection of the hero archer, Hou Yi, and the two were soon married. Everything was perfect.

Yet, beneath the Heavens, all was not well. Ten suns, the ten children of the Jade Emperor, rose to scorch the earth and boil the seas. Brave Hou Yi, bow in hand, shot nine from the sky, sparing only one. Though the world was saved, the Jade Emperor was furious his children were killed. In punishment, Hou Yi and Chang'e were made mortal.

Chang'e grew melancholy and danced no more. To restore their status in the Heavens, Hou Yi found the Elixir of Immortality, but thieves came to steal it while he was hunting. Chang'e struggled to hide the Elixir, but, in the end, was forced to drink it. Too much for one person, the Elixir gave her immortality, but it also swept her into the sky.

Since then, Chang'e has lived on the moon, forbidden to see her husband, a Jade Rabbit her only companion. Yet, the Earth is once again in peril, and Chang'e finds herself upon the mortal surface. Perhaps, this is a second chance. If only she can save the world without angering the Jade Emperor, she can at last reunite with her husband.

The Destroyer

Neltharion the Earth-Warder was the leader of the Black Dragonflight and one of the five Dragon Aspects, beings empowered by the Titans to be the immortal guardians of Azeroth. However, driven mad by the Old Gods, Neltharion turned on his siblings during the War of the Ancients. Neltharion's body cracked open, revealing his molten heart, and magma and fire flowed off his chest. Goblin smiths forged an armor to serve as a vessel to contain his raging powers and keep it in check. Only those plates kept his power from destroying his body. After this, he took a new name - Deathwing, Aspect of Death. Deathwing was the most powerful servant of N'Zoth, and acted as his instrument of destruction. He manipulated both the Horde and Alliance during the Second War, but was ultimately defeated. He was not killed, however, and retreated to the elemental plane Deepholm to recover.

Years later, Deathwing emerged from his realm, outfitted with elementium plating that barely held his crumbling form together. He began the Cataclysm, an event that nearly tore Azeroth apart. His ultimate goal was to begin the Hour of Twilight, an apocalypse where all life would end and the Old Gods would awaken once more.

From Third-Rate to Great Detective


Three days after he initially shrank, Conan wakes up to find himself still stuck as a child. He visits Professor Agasa to complain about Kogoro's inability to do anything himself, but Agasa reminds him he is there to find leads on the men in black and that he must not reveal his identity to anyone, especially the Mouris. Agasa also mentions that to quiet Ran's fears over Shinichi's absence, he told her that Shinichi was gone on a case but will return home soon. To aid Shinichi's efforts, Agasa presents the Voice-Changing Bowtie, which will allow the imitation of any voice.

Shinichi returns to the Detective Agency, where Kogoro is woken by an alarm to see his favorite celebrity, Yoko Okino, perform on TV. For the sake of the show, Kogoro initially dismisses a prospective client — until he realizes that the client is Yoko Okino herself, in need of help. The scruffy detective instantly changes into a much more sophisticated version of himself, and Yoko explains her recent trouble with a stalker. Her manager, Yamagishi, asks Kogoro to solve the case discreetly, and Kogoro proudly assures them both of his skills. Ran convinces Kogoro to take her and Conan along to Yoko's apartment, but when they all arrive the door opens to reveal a bloody corpse lying on the floor inside.

Oda Eiichiro

It seems that One Piece will be published in Hong Kong and Taiwanese magazines as well. I'm looking forward to seeing what they'll change the title to. I'm guessing it'll be in kanji.


Chapter 9



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107