Chapter 5

Morgan and his soldiers go to kill Zoro and Koby, while Luffy retrieves Zoro's swords. Zoro is thinking about how he cannot die at a place like this, remembering the promise he made to his childhood friend, Kuina. Just before Zoro and Koby are shot, however, Luffy gets in the way, protecting the pair from all the bullets. Zoro realizes that, if he wants to live, he has no choice and tells Luffy that he will join him.

We Ride Forth

The King of the Pirates and the Master Swordsman

Luffy is busy dragging Helmeppo through the base, trying to find Zoro's sword. After dragging Helmeppo for a while, Luffy asks Helmeppo where Zoro's sword is and he tells Luffy Zoro's arsenal is in his room. Luffy decides to use Helmeppo as a human shield, leaving some pursuing Marines in a position where they cannot do anything.

Meanwhile, Koby realizes that he has been shot and that he had started bleeding. Zoro tells Koby to run, but Koby will not go until Zoro is untied. He tells Zoro that Helmeppo never planned to keep his word. Zoro cannot believe what he is hearing, and Koby tells Zoro how Luffy punched Helmeppo because of what they overheard him say. Koby asks Zoro to help Luffy. Suddenly, some Marines approach Zoro and Koby and declare them traitors.

Elsewhere, Luffy has found swords in Helmeppo's room, but does not know which one is Zoro's. Luffy suddenly spots what is going on down on the ground outside the window of the Marine base. Zoro and Koby are in trouble and Morgan wants them dead. Zoro, aware that he may die, begins a flashback to his days as a young boy and his reasons for becoming who he is.

A young Zoro was in a training dojo on the ground after a defeat against Kuina. Kuina was mocking him for failing to win against her (for the 2000th time) even after he used two swords. Zoro's friends stuck up for him when he was called weak, as Kuina stated even though he could stand up to the adults, it was no good if he still could not beat her. The others accused her for showing off because she was the dojo master's daughter. As the sensei entered the room, the other trainee swordsmen (save Zoro himself) accused him of giving her special training because she was able to beat Zoro. The sensei just stated that Kuina was older.

Later that night, a frustrated Zoro challenged Kuina to fight him with real katana. Kuina accepted Zoro's challenge. With one strike, Zoro lost and Kuina claimed her 2001st victory against him. After the duel was over, Kuina broke down in tears. She told Zoro her woe about being a girl: as she gets older, she will fall behind him due to the fact girls do not acquire the strength guys do. Kuina said that she wished she had been born a boy, but Zoro got angry at her, saying that she did not have the right to complain after she beat him. Zoro went further by saying that it was an insult to all the hard work he'd been doing. The two then made an agreement; one of them will become the greatest swordsman in the world.

Disaster hit the next day as Zoro was informed of the worst; Kuina had fallen down the stairs and died. Upset, Zoro called to her body lying lifeless, its face covered with a cloth, accusing her of running away. Zoro asked the sensei to give Zoro her sword; he will become the world's greatest swordsman on her behalf.

Back in the present, Zoro faces death. As the Marines fire, Luffy jumps in front of them and the bullets hit him instead. The bullets then bounce off Luffy to the disbelief of everyone watching. Luffy brings the three swords he had found in Helmeppo's room, claiming he did not know which one was Zoro's. The swordsman then explains he uses three swords. Zoro accepts Luffy's offer to join his crew because he would rather become a criminal than die.

Short Mission 3

Anya and Bond are watching the cartoon Bear Squad when Loid calls her for bedtime. Anya continues to watch, and right when the penguin character gets killed, Loid grabs Anya and takes her to bed. She requests to sleep with her penguin plush tonight and goes to sleep while hugging it. Outside of the door, Bond glares at the penguin. Anya wakes up the next morning to find her penguin ripped apart. Loid points out that the damages are bite and claw marks, so Anya looks at Bond. Bond looks away, but she reads his mind and hears jealous thoughts directed at her penguin. She yells at Bond that she hates him, which puts him in despair.

Yor says she will fix up the penguin but ends up ripping it up more, to Anya's dismay. Loid tells Anya that he will buy her a new one, but she exclaims that she wants to keep the one she has as the penguin was gifted by him, causing him to blush slightly. He concedes and tells her to finish her breakfast and then study while he fixes up the penguin. While he fixes up the penguin, Bond looks for something in the kitchen, and Anya cries as she studies. Loid finishes his work and presents the mended penguin, which looks like Frankenstein's monster to Anya. Bond walks into the room holding a bag of peanuts in his mouth as an apology. Anya decides to forgive Bond, so he and the penguin shake on a peace treaty.

Jing Wei

Against the red rising sun, a winged form sweeps out to sea, claw clutched around a pebble. With focused grit, she hurls the small stone into the watery maw, circling above as it sinks into darkness. Resolved, she turns back to collect another. Jing Wei will not cease until the ocean is filled. That is her oath. And she will not break an oath.

Once, she was a young girl, a princess, enamored by the glory of morning light. She gazed in wonder as her father, Yan Di, the Flame Emperor, shepherded the sun from the eastern sea. Desperately, she longed to reach the place where it emerged, but her father refused take her on the waters.

One night, the princess sailed out alone, secretly hoping for a clear view come the dawn. But the waters were churning in a storm. Mountainous waves crashed into her tiny ship. The sea swallowed her whole.

Yan Di woke and coaxed the sun from the horizon, only to find the shattered remains of his daughter's boat upon the shore.

Yet, even as he grieved, a bright goddess burst from the ocean and soared overhead. “Jingwei!” she cried, and Yan Di knew his daughter was reborn.

Though given a second chance that day, Jing Wei swore an oath against the seas that took her life. She would fill them with stone until they were gone. An impossible task. But Jing Wei swore an oath. And Jing Wei will not break an oath.

Twilight's Hammer Chieftain

Powerful, dangerous, insane—many words have been used to describe the Chieftain of the Twilight's Hammer clan, and yet they still fail to truly capture Cho'gall's madness.

Two personalities share the body of Cho'gall: Gall, cunning master of dark magics and forbidden incantations, and Cho, who's never met a problem he couldn’t punch really, really hard. When working together, Cho's powerful attacks and Gall's destructive spells feed into each other to make Cho'gall's enemies rue the day they crossed paths with this ogre. With Cho's brawn and Gall's dark powers, these two are ready to take the Nexus by storm... as soon as they can agree on a plan.

The Unwelcome Great Detective


Conan, Kogoro, and Ran arrive at the house of Kogoro's client. The house's butler saw the client's daughter, Akiko, kidnapped by a large man dressed in black, but the butler's behavior is oddly suspicious - among other things, he claims that the kidnapper's demand for ransom money on top of temporarily closing the client's company must be some sort of mistake. After realizing that an outsider couldn't have gotten past the house's guard dogs unnoticed, Conan sets up a few hints that lead Kogoro to finally deduce that the kidnapper was actually the butler. The butler confesses to hiding Akiko in a hotel, but before they can leave to collect her, a housemaid rushes out with a phone call. The caller reiterates his demand of 300 million yen for Akiko's ransom.

Oda Eiichiro

Oh! I went to see Princess Mononoke!! That's a good one!! Too cool!! It's remarkably Mera at my workplace.


Chapter 6



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107