Chapter 140

Chopper is chased around the castle by Luffy and Sanji who want to eat him. Chopper escapes them and talks to Nami while Dr. Kureha chases Luffy and Sanji. Their conversation is interrupted by Luffy and Sanji who chase Chopper away. Kureha tells Nami about Chopper's past and Dr. Hiriluk. Chopper transforms to his Heavy Point and Luffy decides he wants Chopper to join his crew.

The Castle of Snow

In Bighorn, Zoro gets rid of Wapol's guards easily, which allows the villagers to search for Dalton, who was heavily injured before being buried into the avalanche. After some searching, he is found but is in a critical state.

At the castle, Chopper has smelled Wapol's return. The former king has decided to take his former castle back, but Doctorine and Chopper will not hand it back to Wapol. The castle, as shown by the pirate flag on its roof, is now the grave of Dr. Hiriluk.

6 years ago, Wapol banned every doctor from Drum's kingdom. The only ones allowed to stay were the Isshi-20. However, two doctors resisted against the tyrant: Dr. Kureha and Dr. Hiriluk. However, the skills of Hiriluk were highly questionable, and the villagers fear his treatments more than Wapol, hence his surname of 'Fake Doctor'.

One day, after having escaped the kingdom guards, Hiriluk bumps into a wounded creature. Hunted by everyone so far, he does not trust the charlatan and beats him. However, Hiriluk stands up, and to prove his true feelings, stands naked and defenseless in front of him. Later, Chopper wakes up and his injuries had been cured by the doctor. He cannot retain his tears as he had finally been accepted by someone.

Mission 101

Making her way back to Ostania, Martha heads to the East-West Border in Westalis. Feeling hungry, she tries to use the money given to her by Anabel to buy some food at a store, but quickly leaves to avoid drawing suspicion to her identity when she lacks a ration card. Fearing being caught as an Eastern woman by Westalian soldiers, Martha disguises herself as a man, cutting her hair in a barn and finding some men's clothes.

Martha sits down with her map to plan her return to Ostania while evading the West's army, knowing that she is somewhat close to the border and that the Ostanian army is currently retreating. After getting some food, Martha continues on her long walk to the border, fighting the cold and her hunger while fearing an enemy attack. Despite being determined to return home to her loved ones, Martha collapses on the road in exhaustion. A military vehicle occupied by Westalian soldiers approaches her and identifies Martha (who they mistake as a man) to be an Ostanian. To Martha's surprise, they spare her life and mention that the war is over.

Motivated by this revelation, Martha presses on her journey back home, to the point of crawling on the ground. She is eventually found by Ostanian troops cleaning up near a forward outpost and is taken to the border alongside her fellow soldiers. On the way there, Martha meets a kind soldier named Paul, who also hails from Berlint and recognizes her from the paper as a member of the Women's Battalion. While most soldiers lament the pointlessness of the war as neither side won nor lost, Paul remains optimistic about the war being over and the reasons that they were able to protect their homeland.

After crossing the border, the soldiers board a train back to their homes in Ostania. Although the notion of returning home alive revitalized the soldiers, it receded as their health began to fail aboard the train. Paul proposes to Martha once they return home to Berlint, but Martha turns him down as she tells him her heart belongs to someone else. With Henry in mind, Martha wonders what to tell him once she returns. Martha and Paul remain on the train for several weeks as more and more soldiers return to their homes until it finally arrives in Berlint. As the soldiers exit the train, Martha goes to wake up Paul, who she discovers had died the day before, as well as other soldiers who could not hold on much longer. After sorrowfully mourning the death of her comrade, Martha steps onto the streets of Berlint for the first time since her deployment.

Act 2

After a while, SpongeBob sees everybody having fun and starts to panic, as they are violating his completely unnecessary schedule, meaning in his words, the party will fail. He stops all the fun and music and brings them all to the couch to do one of the scheduled events, reading aloud from the funnies. Unfortunately, he finds out the paper he is reading is yesterday's paper and leaves to get today's paper. Once he leaves, all the guests start having fun again.

While going out to get today's paper, SpongeBob accidentally locks himself out of his house as the door locks behind him when it closes, allowing the guests to have fun again. He misinterprets this and believes everything is falling apart.

After continually trying to get into his house using different methods and failing quite horribly, SpongeBob, at wit's end, grabs a pickaxe and attempts to break in while dressed as a bunny. But before he could do so, the police find him and place him under arrest, but when SpongeBob explains everything, they do not arrest him, and SpongeBob is relieved he was almost ironically arrested for trying to break into his own house. However, the police end up making him miss the entire party by arresting him on purpose for not inviting them.

He returns home the next morning depressed. He notices there was a key underneath the doormat the entire time. SpongeBob then enters his house, finding that it is a complete mess. He believes his party failed, until Patrick comes over and tells him that it was the greatest party all of them had ever been to, and that he should do exactly the same thing next weekend. SpongeBob finally realizes that he does not need a schedule to run a party and parties are supposed to be fun. He smiles gladly and becomes proud that his party was a success after all. He finds Gary wearing a lampshade and is happy that he had fun too. SpongeBob turns off Gary's lamp and wishes him a good night's sleep.

Back in Patchy's party, Patchy attempts to perform his own song with a one-man-band and sings it off-key to the guests. Potty reminds him that it is time for Patchy's flute solo. Patchy starts playing, but soon realizes that he plays a fife, not a flute, and that the "flute" is actually a stick of dynamite (it was notably Potty's plan so he would let Patchy perform but find a way to kill him). It explodes, leaving only his head intact. The Bird Brains then have the opportunity to play music, singing their new song, "Underwater Sun." After they finish, Patchy returns to say bye to the viewers, with a barrel for a new body, before being kissed by girl parrots. Potty then says bye to the audience and takes on as the host of the party.

Oda Eiichiro

I got an invite from Shimabu~ to go see a recording of DOWN TOWN DX. I laughed my heart out at Macchan's real-time follies and Hama-chan's live wisecracks.




Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 24