
Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2024

Chapter 153

Kureha objects to Chopper's decision to leave the castle. However, the team set off with Chopper after being chased off by Kureha. While the team escapes, Kureha uses Hiriluk's special 'red dirt' to create a sakura tree effect to see Chopper off. Hiriluk's Sakura The Straw Hat Pirates are ready to depart, they are only waiting for Chopper and Dr. Kureha to say good-bye. But when Chopper reveals to Kureha that he has decided to become a pirate, she does not accept it. Enraged by what she considers a selfish behavior after everything she has done for the young reindeer, she starts to chase him in order to force him to stay, praying him to not believe in Hiriluk's hopeless dreams. Chopper with no other choice but to run away, mounts Dr. Kureha's sled and rushes toward the Straw Hats who have no other choice than jump in it for a hasty departure. Going down by the Drum Ropeway, Chopper has sad feelings, he does not know if he should trust Dr. Kureha or believe i

Chapter 152

Luffy is thanked by Dalton for defeating Wapol and saving their country. Luffy persuades Chopper to join the Straw Hats and succeeds in making Chopper a part of the crew. Full Moon Thanks to the lift, everybody is able to join the castle. Understanding the situation, Dalton thanks Luffy for helping his country. Dr. Kureha asks that the wounded people are put into the castle, including Nami and Sanji who are desperately trying to hide from her. Usopp, when he sees Chopper. He calls out loud that he is a monster and Chopper flees from the persecution he is used to from being different. Luffy becomes angry since he wanted to present him as the new crew member. Luffy tries to run after him and the poor reindeer becomes even more afraid. In the castle, Kureha has taken care of Dalton, Sanji and Nami. She asks the guard chief if he knows where the key is to the weapon room. Nami, who stole the key from Wapol previously, understands that she can make profit of this key and gives it to the doc

Chapter 151

While Dalton takes the Ropeway to the castle with his men, Vivi, Zoro and Usopp reminisce about the many injustices Wapol has performed in the past. At the top, Luffy and Wapol fight each other. Luffy explains what it means to be a true pirate. Moreover, he does not care about being an enemy of the World Government and sends Wapol, who chooses to flee rather than risk his life, flying away with his Gomu Gomu no Bazooka. The Skies of Drum The villagers have revealed a way to get to the castle from Dr. Kureha's old house. They are aboard the tram with injured Dalton. He remembers how he stands up against the king saying how useless he is since he does not care about the people. He calls the king a fool, making him mad. The king severely beats Dalton to the brink of death. Meanwhile, the fight between Luffy and Wapol rages on with Wapol threatening the wrath of the world government if anything happens to him. Luffy responds that he does not care and grabs Wapols face ready to attack.

Chapter 150

Luffy chases Wapol into the castle while Chopper faces Chessmarimo. Royal Drum Crown 7-Shot Tin Tyrant Cannon While Chopper beats Chessmarimo, Wapol disappears into the castle without Luffy noticing. There he encounters Nami, who tries to escape Doctorine's orders. Realizing she is part of Luffy's crew, Wapol attacks her but she is saved by Luffy. Wapol enters the castle in order to eat all the weapons from the weapon storage room and to transform himself into a living weapon, however, his plan fails deplorably when he realizes he has lost the key. Nami reveals she had stolen the key from him when they had bumped into each other earlier. She had thought it was the key to the treasure room. Not giving up, Wapol climbs to a room where he can find his last trump card: the Royal Drum Crown 7-Shot Bliking Cannon. However, he is deceived once again, since the cannon has been invaded by Chopper's bird friends. With no other tricks in his pocket, he has no other choice but to face

Chapter 149

Chopper fights Chessmarimo. RUMBLE Chopper is determined to defend the honor of the pirate flag. To defeat Chessmarimo, he uses a Rumble Ball, a drug which will increase his power for 3 minutes. Chessmarimo mocks Chopper as he watches the reindeer's 3 Zoan's transformations. He laughs that none of the modes are enough to defeat him. However, he is surprised when Chopper is able to avoid is attacks, thanks to two additional transformations. Chopper informs him that the Rumble Ball allows him to have four supplementary combinations beside the standard three, making a total of seven transformations. Also, when in Brain Point, Chopper is able to scan his opponent to detect weaknesses. He quickly discovers that Chessmarimo's chin is his weak point and delivers a powerful kick in the chin and knocks him out. However, during the fight, distracted by the reindeer's demonstration, Luffy did not notice that Wapol had escaped. Born Again Krabs One day, it is closing time at the Kr

Chapter 148

Usopp sees Dalton's determination and volunteers to carry him to the castle. However, Zoro interrupts and takes Dalton off his back due to Usopp being too weak. The villagers inform them of a ropeway to the castle and claim they can fix it in 30 minutes. Meanwhile at the castle, Luffy holds up Dr. Hiriluk's flag and deems it unbreakable. Wapol, in frustration, shoots Luffy and the flag. When the smoke clears, Luffy is still holding the flag. Chopper stares in awe. Sanji becomes impatient and attempts to attack Wapol, only to be stopped by Dr. Kureha. Then, Chopper unleashes a surprise attack on Wapol, only to be intercepted by Chessmarimo. Luffy launches himself to the ground and the REAL battle begins! Unbreakable In his determination, Usopp tries to carry Dalton up to the castle, even though Dalton says that he will not be able to. Usopp states that he can do it, and that since Dalton wants to fight for his country, he will not let him down. Zoro, however, merely picks up Dal

Chapter 147

The power of the Baku Baku no Mi is shown. Downright Lie In Bighorn, the Isshi-20 decide to betray Wapol, whom they have followed by fear and rescue Dalton. Usopp tells Vivi that they should not worry about Luffy and Sanji as they can take care of themselves. When Dalton decides to fight against his former king, whereas he is barely able to stand up, Usopp, who was afraid of climbing the mountain a few seconds before, proposes to carry Dalton on his back as he is invigorated by their warrior's spirit. Meanwhile in front of the castle, Wapol demonstrates the extent of his Baku Baku no Mi powers by transforming into a living canon house. Indeed, he has the ability to transform into everything he has eaten and admit to eating canons and explosives to create his current structure. He even eats Chess and Kuromarimo and fuses them into a new adversary, Chessmarimo. To demonstrate his desire to take back his castle, Wapol shoots at the symbol of his adversaries: Dr. Hiriluk's flag. Ch

Chapter 146

Wapol and his two lieutenants try to take back their castle but Chopper has decided that no one will enter what had become Hiriluk's grave. Battle to Defend the Kingdom Surprised that Luffy dares to attack the King of Drum, Chess and Kuromarimo help their chief recover from the punch he just took. Sanji helps Luffy to realize to identify their opponents asks him how he is not cold in his shorts and vest. After a pause, Luffy suddenly realizes both of his mistakes and the crew is shocked at Luffy's slow response time. Luffy runs back into the castle and searches for a jacket in Nami's room. Wapol is infuriated by the disrespectful behavior of his former subjects. Dr. Kureha and Chopper refuse to let him enter, claiming it has become Dr. Hiriluk grave and that no one will be allowed to take out the quack doctor's flag. To protect his master's place, Chopper transforms into his human form. The trio then realize that he is the monster who attacked them in the past. Kuro

Chapter 145

Dr. Hiriluk falls into Wapol's trap. He delivers a speech about death and commits suicide. Chopper arrives and attacks Wapol in anger, but Dalton intercedes. Dalton defies Wapol by letting Chopper escape as he was inspired by the creatures determination. Chopper asks Kureha to train him to become a doctor and states that his dream is to cure all diseases. The flashback ends, showing Luffy finishing his punch to Wapol in the face he had started from Chapter 141. Inherited Will Dr. Hiriluk arrives at the castle in order to cure the Isshi-20 only for Wapol to reveal that it was a trap in order to capture the rebellious doctor. While Wapol laughs at and taunts the doctor, Dalton questions why the doctor came to such an obvious trap. Chess and Kuromarimo laugh alongside their king while Wapol's troops aim at the doctor. Instead of breaking down, Hiriluk drops to his knees, thankful that the Isshi-20 are fine. Dalton is extremely shocked. Hiriluk refuses to be shot by the king's

Chapter 144

Dr. Hiriluk's sacrifice. Snow Tale After eating the Amiudake soup, Hiriluk feels much stronger. But while he was eating the medicine, a reaction happened in his lab. That was the reaction he was researching since so long ago. In joy after this miracle, he departs, suddenly telling Chopper to rest. He heads toward Dr. Kureha's house and begs her to complete two things, pretending he has not enough time to fulfill them: to continue his research on the Sakura powder and to teach Chopper medical knowledge so that he can become a good doctor. Kureha is angered by the favors and the request for them to be completed for free. She kicks Hiriluk out. In town, people are desperate. The Isshi-20 are sick and there are no more doctors left to help them, the reasons for Hiriluk to hurry back to town. He is determined to cure the sick doctors and rushes toward the castle, despite the fact he is blocked by Wapol's soldiers. Meanwhile, Kureha is worried because she does not understand why

Chapter 143

Dr. Hiriluk learns that he is going to die and Chopper searches for a mushroom that can cure him. Clumsy Dr. Hiriluk learns from Dr. Kureha what he knows already: he is on the verge of death. Infected by a strong bacteria, he will not live more than three or four days. However, that is not sufficient to complete the research he has made during the last 30 years—a cure for any disease. He begs Kureha to give him more time so that he can complete the Cherry blossom miracle. Kureha mocks him and tells him that his one time cure that he believe to help him as a thief will not cure Drum Island, revealing the man in the story was actually Hiriluk himself. While Dr. Kureha argues with Hiriluk, she notices Chopper is spying on them from the window. Chopper, understanding that Hiriluk chased him only so that he does not see his only friend die, started a journey to help the sick doctor. After a week of hard struggles, he returns to the fake doctor's lab with an Amiudake mushroom in his hand

Chapter 142

Six years ago, Hiriluk discovered the reindeer he found could talk, and named him Tony Tony Chopper. Meanwhile, Royal Army Commander Dalton expressed concern about the state of the country, recalling his time at the Levely where Wapol's immature actions contrasted with the mature gracefulness of the ten-year-old Nefertari Vivi. Hiriluk wished to cure the people of Drum Island of all their sicknesses, including the ones in their hearts, and Chopper decided to help him despite his wishes. They worked together for a year, but after Chopper was fully healed, Hiriluk forced him back to the wild. Skull and Sakura Three days after rescuing him, Hiriluk found out the reindeer could talk. He wondered why he had been silent, and the reindeer said that talking would make the doctor hate him, since he was shot the last time he talked. Hiriluk saw no issue with the reindeer talking, and the two of them were forced to evacuate outside when one of Hiriluk's chemical containers exploded. Hiril

Chapter 141

Wapol arrives to Drum castle but he discovers it will not be easy to recover his throne. Chopper and Doctorine, with the help of Luffy, are ready to defend what has become Dr. Hiriluk's grave, a quack doctor who rebelled against Wapol's doctor ban. Quack Doctor In Bighorn, Zoro gets rid of Wapol's guards easily, which allows the villagers to search for Dalton, who was heavily injured before being buried into the avalanche. After some searching, he is found but is in a critical state. At the castle, Chopper has smelled Wapol's return. The former king has decided to take his former castle back, but Doctorine and Chopper will not hand it back to Wapol. The castle, as shown by the pirate flag on its roof, is now the grave of Dr. Hiriluk. 6 years ago, Wapol banned every doctor from Drum's kingdom. The only ones allowed to stay were the Isshi-20. However, two doctors resisted against the tyrant: Dr. Kureha and Dr. Hiriluk. However, the skills of Hiriluk were highly questi

Chapter 140

Chopper is chased around the castle by Luffy and Sanji who want to eat him. Chopper escapes them and talks to Nami while Dr. Kureha chases Luffy and Sanji. Their conversation is interrupted by Luffy and Sanji who chase Chopper away. Kureha tells Nami about Chopper's past and Dr. Hiriluk. Chopper transforms to his Heavy Point and Luffy decides he wants Chopper to join his crew. The Castle of Snow In Bighorn, Zoro gets rid of Wapol's guards easily, which allows the villagers to search for Dalton, who was heavily injured before being buried into the avalanche. After some searching, he is found but is in a critical state. At the castle, Chopper has smelled Wapol's return. The former king has decided to take his former castle back, but Doctorine and Chopper will not hand it back to Wapol. The castle, as shown by the pirate flag on its roof, is now the grave of Dr. Hiriluk. 6 years ago, Wapol banned every doctor from Drum's kingdom. The only ones allowed to stay were the Issh

Chapter 139

While Vivi, Usopp, and Zoro recover from the avalanche, Nami wakes up in the Drum Castle, where she found Dr. Kureha, who has cured her, and a strange little reindeer. Introducing Tony Tony Chopper After the avalanche, Vivi and Usopp are still alive but lost. On their way, they accidentally bump into an almost naked Zoro who tells them he was performing training when the avalanche struck. Together they continue their journey and they realize they have returned to Bighorn. They learn from the villagers that Dalton is still buried by the avalanche, but that Wapol's men prevent the villagers from freeing him. Hearing that they are enemies, Zoro beats up one of the guards and everyone lauds him as a hero. However, he quickly reveals he just wanted their warm clothes and the fact that they were in the way was just a bonus. Meanwhile at the castle, Nami wakes up. In her room is a strange animal that can walk and talk, who seems quite impersonal. When Dr. Kureha enters, she reveals that e