Across the Galaxy

Throughout the vast expanses of the multiverse, there exist galaxies beyond number; and within them, planets of varying sizes, too many to count.

Power is but a volatile concept, in the multiverse. Even the stars themselves seem insignificant in comparison. Yet upon these countless worlds there exist countless wondrous beings.

It is common for lower beings to assume that they and their planet are the very center of the universe. They consider themselves entirely unique, the most marvelous creatures in existence. All the while they assert themselves, plundering and domineering over an increasing area as they endeavor to survive and expand further out into the universe.

They're all the same, those planets. But not Mithlora.

Mithlora is a small planet, hidden among clusters of stars. Its light is so dim, it's nigh on invisible to most, and those who journeyed through time once gave it the name 'Across the Galaxy'.

Yet upon this planet there lived only eight who drifted upon seats of stone, watching quietly over the rest of the universal expanse.

Nobody knew their names, nor whence they came. Hidden behind their masks were but eight titles:

'Bravery', 'Kindness', 'Faith', 'Wisdom'...

They shuttled between the galaxies, back and forth and back again. Those who saw and came to know of them referred to the eight by the name of their homeland: they were the Mithlorians.

The Mithlorians' honor and power came as a result of Mithlora itself. When they left the planet, things would return to normal.

Yve is one from Mithlora.

As far back as she can remember, the Mithlorians have stood as the protectors of universal equilibrium on account of their innate power. As among the most advanced hunters within this universe, they deal with any and all danger that might threaten the balance.

And all that is unknown, is dangerous...


Why were there only ever eight Mithlorians? Were the people of this planet immortal, perhaps? Where did they come from, and where did they go? These vague questions flitted incessantly around Yve's mind.

But, slowly, they were buried deep by the sands of time. Yve began to forget them entirely. All that remained was her duty to protect the equilibrium, to follow that eternal conviction—

Yet suddenly she realized: the Mithlorians could vanish, too. Returning to the center of Mithlora, to her seat of stone, Yve drifted peacefully as she subsided on Mithlora's provisions. That's when she made a shocking discovery.

The light upon one of the stone thrones had grown dim...

The eight thrones of Mithlora shone with starlight all year round. They were positively surrounded by luminescence, a gentle yet unmistakable shine.

Yve knew that 'Bravery' should be upon that empty throne. Yet now it was nowhere to be seen.

She drifted quietly over to her own area, silent in her thoughts. However, she could not help but gaze and wonder if 'Bravery' would ever return.

A long time passed, Mithlorians came to Mithlora, and left once more.

All the while, the throne stayed empty.

Yve watched on, from a world of eight that was now a world of seven. Never did a soul even ask about this empty throne and its failing light.

An uncertain period of time passed, after which Yve headed out once more. She departed for the depths of the universe to fulfil her duty. Upon her return she found that the 'Bravery' throne shone a little light once more. More than this, she noticed that its light was somehow different to that of past times: a new kind of Bravery would be born to Mithlora.

This new 'Bravery' replaced what was lost, and Mithlora was whole once again.

For that is the nature of Mithlora, at essence a cold machine. The Mithlorians were naught but its cogs. If power faded, it would be restored, one day after another, forever and ever.

Just like how Yve could, if she lost her power, restore it by returning to the planet.

She accepted this all calmly.
Nevertheless, there were times when she missed the 'Bravery' that had vanished.

They had once met upon the most desolate of the planets, while seeking out a target. As they met, Yve saluted as per Mithlorian etiquette, showing her respect.

She turned to leave. And as she did, 'Bravery' called out to her in a light tone: he told her that she should be more determined in battle.

Yve was shocked. After all, it was not like a Mithlorian to interfere with another's affairs. Regardless, she took the advice to heart; the way she saw things, 'Bravery' was very much her superior. Time proved her right. In the operations that followed, Yve would always be chasing after Zhask—yet never could she find success.

Sometimes, when confounded by the conundrums and mazes set by her foes, when losing Zhask yet again, Yve would find herself thinking: would 'Bravery' have performed better in my place?

From that meeting onward, the two of them would sometimes end up meeting once more. During these chance meetings, they would acknowledge the other from afar with their Mithlorian salute, as per usual.

Until 'Bravery' vanished, that is.

'Bravery' was no more. A new 'Bravery' was born. Yve was known as 'Faith', and she pondered to herself: who was the 'Faith' before her? And what of the next 'Faith' in line?

What perplexed her the most was something else, however; when the Mithlorians vanish, where do they go?

All time, no matter how long nor short, is but a fleeting moment to the universe. Yve travelled back and forth throughout the galaxy, providing it her protection.

She slowly grew to become one with the coldness, the mystery of Mithlora.

While an established hunter, Yve's true troubles began with Zhask. The Swarm, cunning and ruthless, obliterated one planet after another. Each time Yve would arrive to find herself still one step behind Zhask—she could never wipe him nor his Swarm out entirely.

She had been in pursuit of this Zhask for a long time now. A time long enough to leave her weary, yet despite this she would not return to Mithlora to recover, for one as sly as Zhask would surely escape her grasp in the time that took.

"You must be more... determined." Yes. She would not give up the chase.

As she followed all trails left by Zhask, Yve tore open a rift in time and space, arriving above the Frozen Ocean.

This fissure she wrought in the mists of time and space has existed for millennia, since the Ancient Ones' detonation of the Twilight Orb. In the flows of power Yve detected something familiar, something that seemed like the power of a Mithlorian.

It seemed like a sign. It could be that 'Bravery' was here once before.

She floated in the skies above the Land of Dawn, gazing down at its wide expanse: while Zhask may have been here, the land was still vibrant with life.

Why? What was it that had spared this land from Zhask and his Swarm?

Yve's power was beginning to fail her, as she had not returned to recuperate upon Mithlora. She could not afford to let Zhask escape once more.

"You must be more... determined. When the final battle rolls around, you will be up against the wall." The vanished 'Bravery' suddenly rose to her mind. Beholding the time rift within the skies, held her breath, and focused on sensing all traces of Zhask upon this land.

And so her body began to rise, emitting a shining aura.

In a flash of light, she utilized immense energies to temporarily force the time rift shut.
From now on, none but those more powerful than she could ever reopen it.

Yve knew well that this land would be the setting for the final battle between her and Zhask.

For faith to exist, there must be bravery.

Eternal Battle



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107