The Champion

After Badminton Tournament, Arman feels very happy. He never though that he could bead Rizal, the Badminton Champion last year. At home, Arman tell his mother about his victory. Arman’s mother was very proud of him. She tell Arman to not ... of his victory.

In the next day, Arman no go home directly because class picket. That day he picket with Edo, Rina, and Adi. These three child are picket and talking each other.

Edo, “What is your plan for the holiday, Rin?”

Rina, “I don’t have any plan yet, how about you?”

Adi, “How we go to vacation?”

Edo, “Vacation? No,no,no... vacation is expensive!”

Adi, “No! This vacation is cheap! We just need to walk.”

Rina, “Yes, its good for us, we can learn about nature too.”

(Arman approached them)

Arman, “What happen here?”

Rina, “This is it. Adi invited us to go to vacation on the holiday. If you want, you can come with us.”

Arman, “Hmm... sure, but I need to tell my parent first.”       

Adi, “Ok! Sure.”

In other side, Rudi and Desi are walking towards arman class.

Rudi, “I here there will be a poetry reading competition in our school, isn’t  it?”

Desi, “Yes, its next mounth.”

Rudi, “Why they made the competition?”

Desi, “This competition to commemorate national education day.”

Rudi, “Oh, just know me. By the way, if you want to go, register to whom?”

Desi, “You can register to Mrs. Rini, the Indonesian teacher, or to your class leader.”

And they arrived in front of Arman’s class. Arman and friends already go out.

Rudi, “Arman, is it finished his picket?”

Arman, “Finish.”

Rudi, “OK. Let us go home.”

Already one month syafani and his comrades train gymnastics Sasambo. Now they are proficient. They hope in the race will win. Finally, the race arrived. Syafani and his friends can produce graceful movements. boisterous cheers of spectators welcomed their look.



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107