
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2024

Chapter 166

Crocodile discovers that the Straw Hat Pirates are still alive, but thanks to Mr. 2, he is able to take countermeasures so that Vivi and the rebels would not be able to meet each other. Meanwhile Vivi and Luffy start to dispute each other. Luffy vs. Vivi An old face interrupts Baroque Works meeting. It is no other than Mr. 3, who snuck in after the other members from Spiders Cafe. He came to be given another chance to defeat the Straw Hats. Crocodile is surprised by this revelation since, after the call from Little Garden, he assumed all of the Straw Hat Pirates and Vivi were dead as he was not aware that it was Sanji who answered the call and lied to him. Mr. 2 confirms that the Straw Hat Pirates and Vivi are alive since he met them on the way to Arabasta. With the help of his power, they are able to make pictures of the Straw Hats (omitting Sanji), and start to take counter measures so that they can prevent Vivi from meeting with the rebel leader, Koza. Disappointed with Mr. 3, inste

Chapter 165

Despite Koza not being in Yuba, Vivi and the crew did not give up on stopping the rebellion. But, they first allow themselves a good rest. Meanwhile, Baroque Works' top members meet together in Rain Dinners. They discover that their leader, Mr. 0, is no other than Crocodile. After the initial shock, Crocodile reveals to them his plan to become the ruler of Arabasta, thus creating their own utopia. The plans begin the next morning at 7 AM. Next morning, Toto gives Luffy a precious barrel of oasis water he helped to recover the other night. The Straw Hats then depart for their next destination. But suddenly, Luffy decides to stop moving on. Operation Utopia Remembering when Mr. Toto left Yuba, Vivi offers him a tissue and promises to stop the rebellion, the crew then decides to stay the night while Mr. Toto, and Luffy continue to dig for water. Meanwhile, the top brass of Baroque Works meet up, but are awaiting for Mr. 0, suddenly Miss All Sunday shows up and reveals that they are in

Chapter 164

Vivi bumps into bandits who recognize her as the princess and decided to capture her. However Koza interposes and, with the help of the Sand-Sand Clan, allows Vivi to hide in some ruins. However, she is soon found, but Koza once again saves her and knocks out one of the bandits. Soon after, Cobra and Igaram who was worried after the princess, arrived and stop the criminals. Koza, who has been injured, was taken to the palace. Cobra thanks him for saving his daughter and wishes that Koza will be able to take care of their country in the future. When the young kid has recovered, he reveals to Vivi that her father has allowed his family to start a new city called Yuba. The two friends said goodbye and promised to help their kingdom. I Love This Country The Sand-Sand Clan attacks the bandits while Vivi runs away, later Igaram finds the members of the suna suna clan lying around the sand, injured, he asks what happened to which a member tells him, and also tells him that Vivi ran to the rui

Chapter 163

The Straw Hats finally arrive in a deserted city, Yuba. Only one inhabitant live here: Toto. When Vivi realizes who he is, she has a flashback of her childhood. Yuba, the Town of Rebels The Straw Hat Pirates enters Yuba after it was hit by a sandstorm. Nobody is here except, Toto, digging in the sand. When Vivi ask him about the rebels, the old man reveals to them that, due to the drought Yuba faced for three years, the rebels had moved to Katorea, an oasis close to Nanohana, the city they have left before going to Yuba. When Luffy says Vivi's name, the old man starts to cry, asking the princess if she remembers him. Vivi, in shock, realizes who he is and starts to remember their first encounter. Eleven years ago, a young kid named Koza asked King Cobra to stop the drought in his village because the villagers were suffering. When Cobra told him it is out of his power, Koza's father, Toto appeared, ashamed by his son's rudeness and begs the king to forgive them. Koza, being

Chapter 162

On their way to Yuba, the Straw Hat Pirates encounter the difficulties of living in a desert with the heat and the thirst as well as its strange inhabitants: the stealing warusagi birds, the giant lizards and a pervert camel who allows only women to ride on him. After all these adventures, the Straw Hats finally reach their destination. Adventure in the Kingdom of Sand After walking all day in the desert under the sun, the Straw Hats are exhausted, Luffy then drinks some water which upsets Usopp, and the two get into an argument. Finally the Straw Hats take a break, only to have their stuff stolen by thieving birds, Luffy then goes off to chase the birds but encounters a giant lizard. Fortunately it is no match for the straw hats and they kill it, and eat it, they also find a camel whom they name Matsuge. Luffy then starts to hallucinate and after a while falls asleep, forcing the crew to carry him until he wake up, and by night they have reached Yuba, unfortunately Vivi finds somethin

Chapter 161

The Straw Hats cross the Sandora river, meet a pack of kung-fu dugongs, and Vivi talks about the Dance Powder incident occurred 2 years ago. The Green City Erumalu The Straw Hat Pirates crosss the Sandora River and lands near a town. They then meet a colony of kung-fu dugongs. Vivi explains her friends that the animals normally live in sea water, but because of the current drought, the river has become salty. The same happened to the ghost town they enter. Erumalu was once called a green town, but three years without a drop of rain took the best of its inhabitants and nowadays, Erumalu is nothing but ruins. Vivi then tells them that the only town which did not suffer of lack of water was Alubarna, the capital of Arabasta and the king's residence. However, two years ago, an "accident" happened in Nanohana. A ship cargo is dropped, revealing its content: a huge amount of Dance Powder. The people in charge of the cargo looked terrified and mention that the powder was for the

Chapter 160

The Straw Hat Pirates head to the Yuba Oasis to negotiate with the rebel leaders to stop the rebellion. Meanwhile, Crocodile and Miss All Sunday finish preparations for the operation, which is to occur in two days at 7 AM. They have the remaining Officer Agents - Mr. 1 and Miss Doublefinger, Mr. 2 Bon Kurei, and Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas - gather at the Spiders Cafe, with Mr. 3 listening in from the outside. The Officer Agents, once assembled, leave for Rainbase to meet Mr. 0. Spiders Cafe at 8 O'Clock After Ace's departure, the Straw Hat Pirates head to Yuba. They ask Luffy about the piece of paper Ace gave to him, which has nothing written on it. Despite that, Luffy wants to hold on to it because Ace wanted him to, so Nami sews the paper to the underside of Luffy's hat for safekeeping. The Straw Hats change into clothes that will protect them from the burning temperatures, which Vivi warns Luffy about. They arrive at the mouth of the Sandora River, and Vivi explains

Chapter 159

After being saved by Ace, the Straw Hat Pirates reach the Going Merry and depart to the desert. While Luffy explains his friends that Ace and he are brothers, Ace jumps on board for a quick family reunion. Come On The Baroque Works association has some strange rules. In order to reach the envied agent seats, its members do not hesitate to kill each other. Mr. 11, who had been arrested by the Marines, learns this at the cost of his life. Meanwhile, the Straw Hats have escaped the Marines, thanks to Ace, and are heading back to the Going Merry, intending to sail the ship up the river, then continue on to the desert. Prior to departing, Vivi entrusts Karoo with an important task: to carry a letter detailing the situation and explaining what she and Igaram have discovered in regards to the Baroque Works conspiracy to her father, Cobra, in Alubarna, in order to give him hope. On board of the Merry, Luffy tells his friends about Ace. He is his elder brother by three years, and is a pirate as

Chapter 158

While the crew is arguing about Luffy's irresponsible behavior, Smoker and Ace are having a confrontation in the restaurant. Smoker moves to arrest Ace, when suddenly, a starving Luffy runs into the restaurant, propelling both Smoker and Ace away in the process. While Luffy is starting to eat in front of a bemused assembly, Smoker and Ace realize that the guy who hit them is the one they are both looking for. Smoker reacts first and confronts Luffy. After an abnormal amount of time, Luffy realizes his situation and flees the restaurant, not realizing the presence of Ace. While the Marines are pursuing Luffy, the rest of the crew has bought some local clothes (much to Sanji's delight) in order to blend in. Unfortunately, their captain soon gives their position away, forcing everyone to flee. Just as Smoker is about to catch Luffy thanks to his Moku Moku no Mi, Ace intervenes. Landing in Arabasta The crew is waiting for Luffy to get back, when they spot Mr. 3's ship. Meanwhil

Chapter 157

Ace is introduced and Smoker appears to be in Arabasta. Introducing Ace After days of privation, the crew are finally reaching Arabasta. Before approaching, they prepare a countermeasure against Mr. 2's power by wearing a sign of friendship on their arm. In the port of Nanohana in Arabasta, a group of people are intrigued by an unconscious guy in a restaurant. This strange guy who fell asleep while eating is no other than Portgas D. Ace, Whitebeard's second division commander. This is revealed by an old adversary: Smoker, who also appears to be in town in the search for the Straw Hat Pirates. Ace is looking for his little brother. Mission 104 At the National Library, Damian studies his history in the hopes of maintaining his top rank and the Stella that come with it. He is joined by Ewen and Emile, who would rather be outside playing and having an adventure instead of the library. When the librarian tells the boys of the rise in treasure-hunting that took place after the recent