
Menampilkan postingan dari 2023

The New King

Hirasaka. The boundary dividing the world of the living and the world of the dead known as Yomi. In this place, the sky above consists of the human world, suspended upside-down in space. Those who enter this place do not return. The souls of those who perished in the battle of the Gurenji Temple wander through the vast, desolate land. Though they have already died, their souls remain tormented by the mortal wounds inflicted upon them by arrows, axes, swords, and even flames. Cruelly spurred forth by the Yokai King's impish servants, these lost souls head towards the colossal vortex at the lands' end. Despite their unwillingness, they are powerless to protest. Unable to escape their fate and banished to Yomi, they know that any resistance will only invite more terrifying punishments. Amongst the departed souls is their leader, a man of imposing physicality. His gait is unsteady and his brows furrow in anger as he fixes his gaze forward. "Have you accepted your fate?"


Born in a war-torn world, Luo Yi lost her parents at the age of six and began struggling to survive on the streets alone. Nobody had ever shown her kindness. All she ever knew was indifference and disdain. Eighteen years ago, the Grandmaster of Elysium Sect met the helpless young girl on his journey. He saw the cold and guarded look in Luo Yi's eyes, devoid of the innocence a child of her age should have. The man didn't bear to leave her alone, so he took her back to his sect. In Elysium Sect, Luo Yi was protected from the world of malice. A new life awaited her. All the elders and senior disciples showed her the greatest kindness. The Grandmaster treated her as his own daughter, teaching her philosophies and spells, and gifting her two koi fish - Aureate and Cerulean Koi as company. But being homeless for years, she found it hard to let down her guard. There was still coldness and caution behind her eyes, but she was also trying to return the favor in her own way. She kept pra


"Wiggins Sterling, president of Supernova Corporation in Zlatan, has been missing for half a year. His 15-year-old son, Dyrroth Sterling, will take over the company's presidency in his place." The news flashed across every screen on the streets of Zlatan. As the president of the largest energy group in the city, Wiggins made countless contributions to the development of Zlatan. To many of its citizens, including his only son Dyrroth, Wiggins was the hero of the city. Meanwhile, in the conference room at the headquarters of the corporation, Dyrroth was attending his first meeting as president with the board of directors. "We are deeply sorry that your father has left us. You are Mr. Wiggins' successor, but you are too young to bring us more profit." "We, as members of the board of directors, have decided to run the company on your behalf. Of course, you will still be the president of Supernova, but only nominally." Dyrroth hadn't expected to hea

Heavenly Artifact: Solar Spear

Gods fell and many a Heavenly Artifact was destroyed in the Great War of Gods. Only a few of such artifacts are left intact and scattered around the world, quietly waiting to be discovered after millennia of slumber. Some are all-conquering weapons, while some are items with special abilities. But one thing is for certain: All of these artifacts possess mysterious power to change the fate of a mortal, and one may even conquer the world with just one of them. As the head disciple of the Ziyang Sect, Zilong is naturally talented and has been in the Sect since childhood. At the age of 16, he felt a force reaching out to him when training alone, and found a spear beneath the stones in the creek on the back hills of the Sect. The spear was once again exposed to the world, as a dragon spirit flew out of it and into Zilong, choosing him as its master. The Dragon Soul is the inner spirit of the Solar Spear and may enter the Spear and fight enemies with Zilong at his command.


Panggil saja aku Hana usiaku 22 tahun aku mempunyai butik hijab. Sebelumnya aku bekerja di salah satu kantor swasta namun gajiku tidak seberapa dan banyak diatur oleh atasan. Aku tipe orang yang tidak bisa diatur semua yang aku lakukan bebas. Bekerja ikut dengan orang memang tidak nyaman enak bekerja sendiri. Awalnya aku diberi modal orangtuaku untuk usaha. Banyak usaha yang pernah aku coba diantara lainnya membuka konter hp. Menjual aksesoris HP dan pulsa namun karena banyaknya persaingan konterku tidak laku. Akhirnya aku tutup dan mencoba usaha lain. Menjual es pisang ijo di taman kota juga pernah, gagal lagi hanya bertahan 3 bulan saja. Orangtuaku selalu memberiku modal untuk usaha namun selalu saja aku gagal. Aku binggung mau usaha apa lagi semua sudah aku jalani.  Bapak selalu mendukung apa saja yang aku lakukan walaupun akhirnya gagal. Ada tawaran bekerja di kantor sebagai kasir aku juga menolaknya. Lulusan SMA tanpa ada skill memang susah mencari pekerjaan paling juga jaga toko
arapende braga camino carro cerveza conejo combo gavilla legua losa pieza taladro trébol trucha vasallo Tuvaluan Nauruan Palauan Sammarinese  Monegasque Marshallese  Kittitian Dominican Catalan Tongan Seychellois  Antiguan Vincentian Grenadian  I-Kiribati  Lucian  Samoan Barbadian  Maldivian Icelander Bahamian Cape Verdean  Luxembourgish  Comorian  Fijian Swazi Estonian  Macedonian  Latvian  Slovene Basotho Batswana  Albanian Jamaican  Lithuanian Armenian Mongol Uruguayan  Georgian Tigrinya Croatian  Panamian New Zealander Costa Rican Irish Slovak Norwegian  Finnish Danish Paraguayan Bulgarian Serb  Nicaraguan Salvadoran Turkmen Kyrgyz Lao Belarusian Hungarian Honduran  Jew Tajik Azeri Portuguese Swede  Dominican Czech Cuban Haitian Bolivian  Ecuadorian Khmer Dutch Guatemalan  Somali Chilean Kazakh Sinhalese Australian  Venezuelan  Peruvian Pashtun Uzbek Polish  Canadian Ukrainian Argentinian Spanish Colombian Burmese Italian English French Thai Persian Turkish Viet Japanese Mexican  R

Guardians of Metropolis

Once upon a time, in the bustling city of Metropolis, a young and ambitious scientist named Dr. Emily Reed dedicated her life to pushing the boundaries of human potential. She had always been fascinated by the concept of superheroes and their extraordinary abilities. Driven by her passion, she delved into extensive research on genetic enhancements and discovered a groundbreaking formula. Dr. Reed's formula had the potential to unlock incredible powers within ordinary individuals. Determined to make a positive impact on the world, she decided to test her formula on herself. With trepidation and excitement, she injected the serum into her veins, not knowing what would happen next. To her astonishment, Dr. Reed discovered that the formula worked beyond her wildest imaginations. She developed the ability to control and manipulate electricity, becoming a living conduit of power. She could summon lightning bolts, channel energy, and even create force fields to protect herself. Embracing

The "Last" Birthday

Freya had that dream again. She was running alone in the deep woods at midnight, her vision hindered by the thick foliage all around her. While unsure just where she was headed and with her heart beating faster and faster, she still didn't stop. "Freya..." She heard someone calling her, a familiar voice. As she turned to look, she saw her parents standing dappled in the moonlight, waving to her. "Dad! Mom!" Freya yelled with excitement. She rushed towards them but found herself stepping into a hole, tumbling into an unfathomable abyss like a falling leaf. No! Freya sat upright with a start, awakening from the nightmare. She caught her breath, then picked up the old photo frame by her bed. It showed her, at 12 years old, nestled against her parents. The corner read: "To Freya, my little angel. From Daddy, who will always love you". The girl in the photo was smiling with such joy that she could hardly believe it was her. Freya's father was the chief

Across the Galaxy

I  Throughout the vast expanses of the multiverse, there exist galaxies beyond number; and within them, planets of varying sizes, too many to count. Power is but a volatile concept, in the multiverse. Even the stars themselves seem insignificant in comparison. Yet upon these countless worlds there exist countless wondrous beings. It is common for lower beings to assume that they and their planet are the very center of the universe. They consider themselves entirely unique, the most marvelous creatures in existence. All the while they assert themselves, plundering and domineering over an increasing area as they endeavor to survive and expand further out into the universe. They're all the same, those planets. But not Mithlora. Mithlora is a small planet, hidden among clusters of stars. Its light is so dim, it's nigh on invisible to most, and those who journeyed through time once gave it the name 'Across the Galaxy'. Yet upon this planet there lived only eight who drifted

A Journey to Blacksnake Town

Parting Ways The yellow sand gradually obscured the bright red sunset, and the heat that had accumulated throughout the day dissipating as the sun made its way down. In the distance, a vulture was for a long time hovering under the empty blue sky before angrily flapping its pitch-black wings towards the setting sun. "Hey! Hey kid! Watcha lookin’ at?" as Clint tied up his horse and walked up behind Mathilda. He followed her gaze but saw nothing except the yellow sands stretching into the distance. Mathilda came to her senses and said “nothing” as smiled. Then she looked at Clint and said, "Where should we go next?" "Huh! Of course we’re just gonna press on till we get to Los Pecados where we’ll snuff out Kane’s nest! Then we’ll make arrangements for how he’ll die..." "Oh-wait! Wait!" Claude interrupted Clint before he could finish speaking. "I know Kane has done a lot of evil things, but I don't want his life to end." "We just n

The Collector

Every individual was born differently. They vary in race, culture, and social status, while sharing one common trait, which is the poor perception of beauty. Veiled by that inability, most of them walk the earth in a manner as mindless as it gets. Stuart learned it as a child, and has deepened this belief over time. He was blessed with a unusual biological feature, which allowed his left eye to visualize the life force coursing through human veins. Stuart was adopted by his stepfather who worked as a researcher in the Institute of Ramboat. Like a young prodigy, he would often join his stepfather in relentless hours of reading. As he grew up, he developed great obsession with all those academic papers that seemed beyond comprehension of a teenager. It was not until he saw something extraodinary in one of his stepfather's experiments did he become aware of his unique vision. He soon pieced this discovery with all those documented findings he read about earlier together. 'The esse

The Enchanted Key: Elara's Awakening

Once upon a time in a small village nestled between rolling hills, there lived a curious young girl named Elara. One day, while exploring the outskirts of the village, she stumbled upon an ancient, mysterious-looking key. Intrigued, Elara decided to unlock the door of the old abandoned mansion that stood at the edge of the woods. Little did she know, this unlocked door would lead her on an unexpected adventure filled with magic, secrets, and the discovery of her own extraordinary abilities. As Elara stepped into the dark foyer of the mansion, the air seemed to crackle with an otherworldly energy. The grand staircase beckoned her upward, and she ascended with a mix of trepidation and excitement. Each room held a different surprise – a library filled with enchanted books, a ballroom where spectral dancers twirled in a timeless waltz, and a garden where flowers bloomed at the sound of her laughter. Deep within the mansion, Elara uncovered a hidden chamber containing a magical artifact – t

Letter from afar

Dear Paquito: It's me, Jolie. It's been several months now, I trust all is still well with you? We are all fine. I've been wanting to send you a letter ever since you departed, but never knew what I should write. Besides, who knows if such a letter would even reach you? Despite all that though, I still want to write to you. To commemorate the good times we've spent together, and to give myself a sense of motivation. Just yesterday a group of bandits tried to steal the winter supplies I was sending off. Given that I'm female and was dispatching such a large shipment alone, they thought I'd put up little resistance. They never imagined I would be able to knock them sprawling all on my own. And so, I safely sent the supplies back to the village. You know, it reminded me of the first time we met. I remember that I'd headed out alone then, too, and been apprehended by a bunch of bandits. But back then I wasn't strong enough to defend myself. You saved me that

Blazing West, chapter 1

Act One The vast Agelta Drylands are littered with the remains of various civilizations. In the huge, expansive desert, many ancient tribes that differ wildly from one another have thrived in this harsh environment, passing on their own cultures from generation to generation. This story is about one of these thousands of tribes. One hot afternoon, a large group of villains and sand hunters from Los Pecados charged toward the tribe's village on carefully modified Sand Hunter trucks and riding Dinozards. They quickly surrounded the village and gathered everyone together using the force of their weapons. A man with a lame right leg slowly got out of his truck that was surrounded by his thugs. His face was pale, as if he hadn't seen the sun for a year. The man swept his eyes across the tribal people gathered together before him. In a raised voice, he demanded: "Call out your leader! I have a few words to say!" This gloomy looking guy was called Blandy, the most hated char