
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2023

Câu chuyện về Ngôi Sao Tình Yêu

Có một thị trấn nhỏ nằm giữa núi rừng xanh mướt, được gọi là Thị trấn Ánh Sao. Trong thị trấn này, có một cây cầu bắc qua dòng sông êm đềm. Dưới bầu trời đêm đầy ngôi sao, người dân thường kể về một câu chuyện đáng yêu về ngôi sao tình yêu. Ngày xửa ngày xưa, ở thị trấn này, có hai người bạn thân, An và Bình. Họ lớn lên bên nhau, chơi đùa, và chia sẻ mọi điều. Tình bạn của họ trở thành tình yêu dần dần khi họ cùng trưởng thành. Mỗi tối, khi hoàng hôn buông xuống, An và Bình thường ra cây cầu nhìn ngôi sao sáng lấp lánh trên bầu trời. Họ tin rằng mỗi ngôi sao đều là một ước mơ. Và mỗi lần thảo luận về tương lai, họ thề sẽ theo đuổi ước mơ của mình, bất kể khó khăn có đến đâu. Nhưng số phận không lúc nào cũng dễ dàng. Khi họ lớn lên, Bình phải rời thị trấn để đi học và theo đuổi sự nghiệp trong một thành phố lớn. An ở lại và trở thành một nông dân. Dù cách xa hàng trăm dặm, An và Bình vẫn luôn giữ liên lạc. Họ viết thư cho nhau và luôn nhắc nhau về ngôi sao tình yêu và ước mơ của mình. N...

Night Flower

Chapter I I was drifting in the darkness for I don’t know how long. When I woke up, I saw Cecilion, sitting beside me. His eyes were filed with concerns, hope and love. In that imperial southern city, they ambushed Cecilion and hit him severely. I used all my strength to charge at Alice and then, lost my consciousness shortly afterwards. I thought we were dead, but the truth was, we were still alive. During the 47 days when I was in the comma, Cecilion searched for every way to suppress my thirst for blood, trying to constrain the effect that my thirst brought to my body. In an ancient book of the Blood Demons, for the first time, Cecilion saw this flower. Its stalk was strangely thin and slender, just like a blade. Its pistils were extremely unique and complicated. Its petals interlocked with each other, blossoming against its crimson leaves. I stared at the picture for a while. The flower in that picture attracted me, as if it were alive. I pressed my hand on that picture and caresse...

Il-Ħuta Tal-Blata

Fil-baħar ħafif ta' Malta, kien hemm baħar żgħir li kien magħruf bħala baħar tal-blata. Fil-blata din, kien hemm ħuta speċjali ħafna, imsejħa Rosie, li kienet magħrufa għal-kulur marbuta bl-aħmar fuq is-swieq tagħha. Rosie kienet ħuta differenti minn oħrajn. Mhixet biss b'desiderju kbir li tmur biex tirbaħ għalihom, imma kienet għandha ukoll kura tassew speċjali li tirrid ikun magħrufa għal dawn il-karatteristiċi tagħha. Kull jum, Rosie kienet tibqa' taħdem fuq innifsek. Hi ma kellhiex konċett ta' jgawdi, imma intilfuha biss għaldaqstant ma kienx issaħħat. Kienet dejjem tibda x-xogħol tagħha bil-passjoni u bid-determinazzjoni. Mara wisq ilu, kien hemm ħadd minn viċin il-blata għamillejha flimkien ma' ħuta oħra, Tommy. Tommy kien tal-opinjoni li Rosie kienet ftit iddomata biex tirbaħ għal kura tassew. "Rosie," qal Tommy, "se jkun għalik diffiċli verament li tirbaħ lura b'kura tassew, għax mhux ħafna attenzjoni jimpenjat." Rosie kontinwament qa...

The Comback

My name's Bruno, and I'm an athlete at Astral City. While not every person in Astral City can play astroball, nearly everyone is an ardent fan of this high-tech football sport. In this city where it costs an arm and a leg just to get by, astroball is a favored pastime of the blue-blooded elites. Every competition is projected over the city skyline. Gazing upon professional teams clad in battle suits taking the field, spectators can easily get lost in the images and feel as if they are part of the action. There was a time I enjoyed this feeling myself, but I couldn't say the same for my father. He came from the slums of Astral City. He would always grumble about how those with innate potential would never get a chance to shine because of their poor backgrounds. He was one of those people. It was my father who taught me how to play street football, but ever since I turned professional, we grew further and further apart. That crowded industrial sector I called my home became m...

Fighters on the Stormy Sea: Epilogue

The dark clouds have dispersed and the sea breeze is caressing the sea. The frozen sea has returned to its former tranquility. So ends the unprecedented crisis. 'It's over.' Freya dropped her sword and said tiredly. 'Well…is there anything else we should be? Or, is there anything else I can do for you? ' Franco asked. 'No, that’s it. Anyway, I appreciate your help, Franco, on behalf of Northern Vale. You're a brave warrior,' said Freya, patting Franco on the shoulder. This made Franco feel proud. He then asked, 'I mean, if at all possible, can we go out sometime? Could be a port, tavern or hilltop, anywhere.' 'I guess so.' Freya answered without hesitation. 'Really?' Franco asked anxiously. 'No, don't even think about that.' Freya punched Franco lightly on the shoulder, then smiled because of her odd sense of humor. It’s a smile that’s rarely seen on her face. In the light of the setting sun, the Valkyrie raised the sa...

Fighters on the Stormy Sea 3

Confrontation The roaring sea winds stir up huge waves. The weather is getting worse near the Abyss, and the currents stronger. Atlas has been advancing for fourteen-day without rest. Though he has known that Bane and his well-armed pirate ships had been after him, Atlas doesn’t worry too much about it. There is only one thing in his head. That is, get to the Abyss at full speed and lift that ancient curse with Aurora’s Heart At this moment, the Abyss is getting so close. Those suffering people, those dark days when his people were forgotten and forsaken by the world. All this welled up within him. 'It’s been thousands of years, and this is the last leg of the long journey, my people.' With only the last leg of the voyage left, the mech, controlled by atlas, gripped Aurora's Heart in his hand and sped forward. As was about to reach the Abyss, Bane's 'Black Shark ' fleet arrived just in time. They blocked the sea route with heavy iron ropes and surrounded Atlas. ...

Fighters on the Stormy Sea 2

The Artifact The sudden appearance of Atlas interrupted the final battle between Bane and Franco, who are both vexed. 'Who is this meddlesome guy? I just need to sell some junk for money. Bane looked at the huge Atlas and scoffed, fearing that it might be Franco's reinforcement. 'Hey, big guy, what are you? Are you from a circus?' Facing the unknown mech giant, Franco didn’t show goodwill either. 'Human beings…human beings' desires are like the Abyss, whose bottom can never be reached.' 'Human beings are forever fighting and killing each other for what they want, but they forget to search for the meaning of life. Atlas’s empty and low voice came from inside the mech, leaving Bane and Franco's questions unanswered. 'I do not wish to get involved in your battle, nor to make myself your enemy.' In the distant Abyss, my people are suffering and waiting for my rescue.” 'So, get out of my way,' said Atlas, holding out his hands and lighting...

Fighters on the Stormy Sea

The Helpers Although Bane was blasted off his ship into the sea and got his body shattered, he managed to survive. Not only that, but he also acquired a new body - a flexible and powerful octopus. Captain Bane, who came back to life from the abyss of the sea, witnessed how the old order of the Frozen Sea disintegrated. He watched the pirate fleet he built to fall apart, and those vicious pirates chased by Franco, someone he has always despised. In the midst of the sea waves, Bane vowed to reassert his authority, regain control of the Frozen Sea, and hang Franco and the bumpkins who supported him. Bane's first thought was for his most loyal man, Zygmunt. Although this scar-faced guy lacks wisdom, he is always ready to fight for him. As much as he is taken aback by Bane's new body, Zygmunt, loyal to his captain, soon recognize Bane’s familiar voice and usual brutality that remain unchanged. The return of the tyrant of the sea makes these stray dogs see the hope of life again. The...

Fighters on the Stormy Sea: Prologue

Bane is dead, or at least everyone that saw his gigantic ship “Behemoth” blasted to bits by Franco's beliefs. After Bane’s death, the old order at the Frozen Sea has changed drastically. In the name of Franco, the fishermen of Northern Vale, long fed up with the oppression from the pirates, grabbed weapons and rose up in revolt against these plunderers, driving them out of almost every port. However, the nightmare for the pirates has just begun. Bane’s death leaves the pirates nothing but a group of criminals without a leader. Once succumbed to the power of Bane, these pirates now break all the old rules and start a turf war. The old order begins to fall apart. In the frozen world of Northern Vale, nothing is more important than survival, and it’s no exception for pirates. Without ports as their fortified points, they have no choice but to fight over the islets where once they only went for a temporary stay. The pirates once united under the banner of Bane now break into several fa...

Teeth of the Storm

After Bane died at sea, the pirates who once served him were plunged into chaos. Some of them fled. Others were reformed, becoming fishermen. Still others rose up again, fighting one another for territory. Sigismund and his men belonged to the latter group. They had just fought a fierce battle, and suffered heavy losses. That night, when Sigismund was alone, contemplating his next move, a shadowy figure knocked lightly on his cabin door. "Your captain has returned." Bane

Aventura Anei: Legenda Coroanei de Aur

Într-un sat pitoresc de la poalele munților, trăia o fetiță numită Ana. Ana avea părul lung și negru ca noaptea și ochii albaștri ca cerul senin. Ea era cunoscută în sat pentru curajul și spiritul ei aventuros. O zi, Ana a aflat despre o legendă veche despre un comorar ascuns în peștera din vârful cel mai înalt al muntelui. Comorarul conținea un obiect prețios ce se spunea că aduce noroc și fericire celui care îl găsește. Ana a hotărât să pornească într-o aventură și să caute comorarul împreună cu prietenul ei cel mai bun, Ion. Cu ghiozdanele pline cu provizii, Ana și Ion au pornit la drum spre munte. Au escaladat stâncile abrupte și au străbătut pădurile dese. În cele din urmă, au ajuns la peștera misterioasă. Înăuntru, au fost întâmpinați de o priveliște uimitoare. Comorarul era așezat pe o piatră strălucitoare în mijlocul peșterii. Era o coroană de aur, cu pietre prețioase strălucitoare. Ana și Ion s-au apropiat cu precauție și au luat coroana cu mâinile tremurânde. În acel moment, ...

Garaýjy Gün

Bir wagtyň birinde, Garaýjy adyndaky ýaş ogul ýolda ylmyş. Ol ýolda ýürýän bolup, etraba näme däldiginiň öwrenmäge synanyşýardy. Garaýjyň ýol ýaýrayynda garşy öýiň wezipesinde ýaş aýal Mähri geçirdi. Mähri ýolda ýürek bolan Garaýjyny görýäninde, ol ony oňa yaklaşdy we, "Salam, ýigit. Seniň adyň näme?" diýip sorady. Garaýjy gara dastarçylygyndan ýüregiňiň içindekileri Mähri bilen paýlaşmaga ynamdy. "Meniň adym Garaýjy," dedi ol. "Men ýolda ýaş ogulam. Etraba we dünyanyň jemaladyklary barlyk meni üçin." Mähri gülýän uşak yzyna bakdy we, "Meniň adym Mähri," dedi. "Seniň düşünjäň meniň ýüregime käbir jemaladyklar goşýar. Ýaş ogul, ýaşaýjyň bilen paýlaşmak, gowy ýol bolýar." Garaýjy hem ýüzleriniň giňeldişinden hem-de Mähriň sözlerinden syranyşyp, olara şol ýerde ýaşamak isleýär digeri işleri unutdy. Olar öz jemaladyklaryny paýlaşdylar we ýolda ýaşamak ýolunda garaýjy günleri bilen ömrünüň sebäp we mertebesini tapdylar. Bu ýaş oglan we ýaş a...

Absolute Silence

Cecilion stood at the top of the bell tower overlooking the whole city. He held both of his hands behind him. His wide cloak rattled in the wind. The clouds drifted across the sky and covered the moon. In this dark night, the whole city fell asleep. There was nothing but silence in the air. This peaceful city was the fourth stop for Cecilion and Carmilla. After passing through this place, they would be in the interior of the Moniyan Empire where the Blood Demons could never lay their hands on them. Cecilion and Carmilla kept heading north after leaving the Castle Aberleen. Chasing after them were the Blood Demons and the pursuers from the Castle Aberleen. To take away his lover from the graveyard, Cecilion’s identity, which he tried so hard to conceal for so many years, was exposed. Alice, who have deemed Cecilion and his people as traitors, went after Cecilion herself. Meanwhile, Carmilla’s father, Earl Aberleen sent a lot people to go after Cecilion to take his daughter back, dead or...

Dragon Tamer

The evil powers lurking above the skies have finally interrupted the silence of the Dragon Altar. The Land of Dawn has been plunged into an Abyss of suffering and fear, under the threat of the Evil Dragons. In heeding the dragons' calls, the brave warriors step forward one after the other. The first hero, Valir, confronts his inner fear and fate as the Fiery Dragon calls to him. Fiery Dragon's Call: Valir's Fate Ages ago, under the protection of the Mighty dragons, our world used to be greatly prosperous and remained at peace. However, all this was before the vicious Kraken and his minions broke through the magical barrier that isolated the Land of Dawn from the external forces of evil. Charging in with his the minion army, Kraken prepared to launch an assault on the entire Land of Dawn. As expected, after these events, everything changed for the worse. To protect the human world, the Guardian Dragons met the Kraken with force and waged an arduous battle against the Kraken ...



The Revial of Black Magic


