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Sura Alap-Alap dan Ikan Tageh
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Diceritakan bahwa Sura Alap-Alap mendapatkan tugas mengusir kompeni di Jawa Timur. Namun jumlah pasukannya ternyata kurang. Takut banyak korban yang terbunuh, Sura Alap-Alap pun mengajak semua pasukannya yang juga berisi penduduk pribumi pergi. Ajaibnya tiba-tiba ketika pasukan Belanda sampai di tempat pertempuran, pasukan Belanda melihat banyak ikan tageh dan tak ada pasukan yang bisa diperangi. Alhasil pasukan Belanda pun pergi. Sura Alap-Alap yang sudah tahu bahwa pasukan Belanda pergi akhirnya mengutus pasukan dan penduduk pribumi kembali ke dusun karena sudah aman. Sejak saat itu pun Sura Alap-Alap memberikan perintah untuk menghormati ikan tageh dan tidak boleh ada penduduk yang memakan ikan tageh yang baik hati dan sudah menolong mereka dari penjajah. Kisah lain dari Jawa Timur dapat ditemukan di
Bu Muslimah
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Sore ini, ibu muda yang alim ini kedatangan tamu seorang laki-laki yang dikenalnya sebagai rekan sekantor suaminya. Sehingga terpaksa dia harus mengenakan jilbab lebarnya, serta kaus kaki menutupi kakinya untuk menemuinya, karena kebetulan suaminya sedang rapat di kantor dan baru akan kembali selepas maghrib. Dengan jilbab putih yang lebar, jubah panjang bemotif bunga kecil berwarna biru, serta kaus kaki berwarna krem, Muslimah menemui tamu suaminya itu yang bernama Naryo. Seorang laki-laki yang kerap bertamu ke rumahnya. Wajahnya tidak tampan, namun tubuhnya terlihat tegap dan atletis. Usianya lebih muda dari suaminya ataupun dirinya, hingga suaminya ataupun dia sendiri memanggilnya dengan sebutan dik Naryo. Sebetulnya Muslimah kurang menyukai laki-laki bernama Naryo itu, karena matanya yang jalang kalau melihatnya seakan hendak menelannya bulat-bulat, sehingga dia lebih suka menghindar jika Naryo datang bertamu. Namun kali ini Muslimah harus menemuinya, karena Naryo ini adalah rekan ...
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For dark eons the comet circled. Held in thrall to a distant sun, bound by gravity’s inexorable pull, the massive ball of ice careened through the blackness between worlds, made strange by its dark journey. On the eve of the ancient war of the Vloy, it punched down through the sky and lit a glowing trail across the night, a sign both armies took for an omen. The frozen ball melted in a flash of boiling heat, as below two forces enjoined in battle across the border of a narrow river. Thus freed from its icy stasis, the Morphling was born into conflict, an elemental power at one with the tides of the ocean, capricious and unconstrained. He entered the fight, instinctively taking the form of the first general who dared set foot across the water, and then struck him dead. As the motley warriors clashed, he shifted from form to form throughout the battle, instantly absorbing the ways of these strange creatures--now a footsoldier, now an archer, now the cavalryman--until, by the time the las...
Mirana, the Princess of the Moon
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Born to a royal family, a blood princess next in line for the Solar Throne, Mirana willingly surrendered any claim to mundane land or titles when she dedicated herself completely to the service of Selemene, Goddess of the Moon. Known ever since as Princess of the Moon, Mirana prowls the sacred Nightsilver Woods searching for any who would dare poach the sacred luminous lotus from the silvery pools of the Goddess's preserve. Riding on her enormous feline familiar, she is poised, proud and fearless, attuned to the phases of the moon and the wheeling of the greater constellations. Her bow, tipped with sharp shards of lunar ore, draws on the moon's power to charge its arrows of light.
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Like a golem or gargoyle, Earthshaker was one with the earth but now walks freely upon it. Unlike those other entities, he created himself through an act of will, and serves no other master. In restless slumbers, encased in a deep seam of stone, he became aware of the life drifting freely above him. He grew curious. During a season of tremors, the peaks of Nishai shook themselves loose of avalanches, shifting the course of rivers and turning shallow valleys into bottomless chasms. When the land finally ceased quaking, Earthshaker stepped from the settling dust, tossing aside massive boulders as if throwing off a light blanket. He had shaped himself in the image of a mortal beast, and named himself Raigor Stonehoof. He bleeds now, and breathes, and therefore he can die. But his spirit is still that of the earth; he carries its power in the magical totem that never leaves him. And on the day he returns to dust, the earth will greet him as a prodigal son.
Sand King
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The sands of the Scintillant Waste are alive and sentient--the whole vast desert speaks to itself, thinking thoughts only such a vastness can conceive. But when it needs to find a form to communicate with those of more limited scope, it frees a fragment of itself, and fills a carapace of magic armor formed by the cunning Djinn of Qaldin. This essential identity calls itself Crixalis, meaning 'Soul of the Sand,' but others know it as Sand King. Sand King takes the form of a huge arachnid, inspired by the Scintillant Waste's small but ubiquitous denizens; and this is a true outward expression of his ferocious nature. Guardian, warrior, ambassador--Sand King is all of these things, inseparable from the endless desert that gave him life.
Vengeful Spirit
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Even the most contented Skywrath is an ill-tempered creature, naturally inclined to seek revenge for the slightest insult. But Vengeful Spirit is the essence of vengeance. Once a proud and savage Skywrath scion, Shendelzare was first in succession for the Ghastly Eyrie until a sister's treachery robbed her of her birthright. Snared in an assassin's net, Shendelzare tore free only at the cost of her wings, limping away in the ultimate humiliation: On foot. With her wings broken, she knew the Skywrath would never accept her as ruler; and in the highest roost of the Eyrie, inaccessible except by winged flight, her sister was untouchable. Unwilling to live as a flightless cripple, and desiring revenge far more than earthly power, the fallen princess drove a bargain with the goddess Scree'auk: She surrendered her broken body for an imperishable form of spirit energy, driven by vengeance, capable of doing great damage in the material plane. She may spend eternity flightless, but ...
Ande Ande Lumut
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Dewi Candra Kirana merupakan istri dari seorang putra mahkota Kerajaan Jenggala, bernama Raden Putra. Karena tak mau menjadi raja menggantikan sang ayah maka Raden Putra diusir dari istana. Dewi Candra Kirana yang mengetahui hal tersebut lantas mencari keberadaan suaminya. Dewi Candra Kirana pun menyamar menjadi seorang gadis desa biasa untuk menutupi penyamarannya dalam mencari sang suami. Dalam pengembaraannya tersebut, ... Selengkapnya dalam " Kisah Ande Ande Lumut, dua versi "
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The Tidehunter known as Leviathan was once the champion of the Sunken Isles, but his motives are as mysterious as those of his people. We all know the importance of the Drylanders' shipping lanes, how empires may rise and fall according to who controls the open water. Far less is known of the submarine lanes, and how the warring tribes of the Meranthic Diaspora have carved out habitations through endless undersea skirmishes. In the fragile treaties between the Mer and Men, we can glimpse the extent of the drowned empires, but their politics appear complex and opaque. It would seem that Leviathan tired of such petty strife, and set off on his own, loyal only to his abyssal god, Maelrawn the Tentacular. He stalks the shallows now in search of men or meranths who stray into his path, and with a particular loathing for Admiral Kunkka, who has long been his nemesis for reasons lost in the deepest trenches of the sea.
Sven, the Rogue Knight
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Sven is the bastard son of a Vigil Knight, born of a Pallid Meranth, raised in the Shadeshore Ruins. With his father executed for violating the Vigil Codex, and his mother shunned by her wild race, Sven believes that honor is to be found in no social order, but only in himself. After tending his mother through a lingering death, he offered himself as a novice to the Vigil Knights, never revealing his identity. For thirteen years he studied in his father's school, mastering the rigid code that declared his existence an abomination. Then, on the day that should have been his In-Swearing, he seized the Outcast Blade, shattered the Sacred Helm, and burned the Codex in the Vigil's Holy Flame. He strode from Vigil Keep, forever solitary, following his private code to the last strict rune. Still a knight, yes...but a Rogue Knight. He answers only to himself.
Razor, the Lightning Revenant
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Among the emblematic powers that populate the Underscape, Razor the Lightning Revenant is one of the most feared. With his whip of lightning, he patrols the Narrow Maze, that treacherous webwork of passages by which the souls of the dead are sorted according to their own innate intelligence, cunning and persistence. Drifting above the Maze, Razor looks down on the baffled souls below, and delivers jolts of scalding electricity that both punish and quicken the souls as they decide their own fates, hurrying on toward luminous exits or endlessly dark pits. Razor is the eternal embodiment of a dominating power, abstract and almost clinical in his application of power. Yet he has a lordly air that suggests he takes a sardonic satisfaction in his work.
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As a grunt in the Army of Red Mist, Mogul Khan set his sights on the rank of Red Mist General. In battle after battle he proved his worth through gory deed. His rise through the ranks was helped by the fact that he never hesitated to decapitate a superior. Through the seven year Campaign of the Thousand Tarns, he distinguished himself in glorious carnage, his star of fame shining ever brighter, while the number of comrades in arms steadily dwindled. On the night of ultimate victory, Axe declared himself the new Red Mist General, and took on the ultimate title of 'Axe.' But his troops now numbered zero. Of course, many had died in battle, but a significant number had also fallen to Axe's blade. Needless to say, most soldiers now shun his leadership. But this matters not a whit to Axe, who knows that a one-man army is by far the best.
Drow Ranger
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Drow Ranger's given name is Traxex--a name well suited to the short, trollish, rather repulsive Drow people. But Traxex herself is not a Drow. Her parents were travelers in a caravan set upon by bandits, whose noisy slaughter of innocents roused the ire of the quiet Drow people. After the battle settled, the Drow discovered a small girl-child hiding in the ruined wagons, and agreed she could not be abandoned. Even as child, Traxex showed herself naturally adept at the arts they prized: Stealth, silence, subtlety. In spirit, if not in physique, she might have been a Drow changeling, returned to her proper home. But as she grew, she towered above her family and came to think of herself as ugly. After all, her features were smooth and symmetrical, entirely devoid of warts and coarse whiskers. Estranged from her adopted tribe, she withdrew to live alone in the woods. Lost travelers who find their way from the forest sometimes speak of an impossibly beautiful Ranger who peered at them f...
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The monks of Turstarkuri watched the rugged valleys below their mountain monastery as wave after wave of invaders swept through the lower kingdoms. Ascetic and pragmatic, in their remote monastic eyrie they remained aloof from mundane strife, wrapped in meditation that knew no gods or elements of magic. Then came the Legion of the Dead God, crusaders with a sinister mandate to replace all local worship with their Unliving Lord's poisonous nihilosophy. From a landscape that had known nothing but blood and battle for a thousand years, they tore the souls and bones of countless fallen legions and pitched them against Turstarkuri. The monastery stood scarcely a fortnight against the assault, and the few monks who bothered to surface from their meditations believed the invaders were but demonic visions sent to distract them from meditation. They died where they sat on their silken cushions. Only one youth survived--a pilgrim who had come as an acolyte, seeking wisdom, but had yet to be ...
Pudge, the Butcher
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In the Fields of Endless Carnage, far to the south of Quoidge, a corpulent figure works tirelessly through the night--dismembering, disembowelling, piling up the limbs and viscera of the fallen that the battlefield might be clear by dawn. In this cursed realm, nothing can decay or decompose; no corpse may ever return to the earth from which it sprang, no matter how deep you dig the grave. Flocked by carrion birds who need him to cut their meals into beak-sized chunks, Pudge the Butcher hones his skills with blades that grow sharper the longer he uses them. Swish, swish, thunk. Flesh falls from the bone; tendons and ligaments part like wet paper. And while he always had a taste for the butchery, over the ages, Pudge has developed a taste for its byproduct as well. Starting with a gobbet of muscle here, a sip of blood there...before long he was thrusting his jaws deep into the toughest of torsos, like a dog gnawing at rags. Even those who are beyond fearing the Reaper, fear the Butcher.
Kisah masa lalu Belerick
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(dari kiri ke kanan) -Bsu. Whuuss.. whoss.. krataktaktak -Bsu. Hruahh!! -Bsu. Zhrakk.. zhrakk.. Whuzz.. whuzz.. Jhlarr!! Whuuss.. whoss.. krataktaktak -Dkb. Umurku 'tlah panjang.. Usiaku, melintasi puluhan zaman.. Banyak hal telah kusaksikan.. Banyak tempat yang sudah aku jelajahi.. Hutan, gurun, pegunungan.. ... Akarku menjalar jauh.. melintasi segala macam tanah dan batuan.. Dahan-dahanku.. menjadi pisau.. yang menghalau semua Ilmu Gelap.. Blarr.. blarr.. whoss.. ... Kini, saatnya batang dan daun-ku.. yang 'kan memadamkan panasnya api ini.. menggantikan takdir, dari sang Pohon. Blaarrr.. -Rick.. Perjalananku.. takkan sesulit itu.. Bagitu juga kau.. yang takkan selamanya pergi.. Dan itu pasti. diterjemahkan dari komik di ⇦